Ch.6. Shopping With snape

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Erik's POV~

After dumbledoor left I turned towards Snape who scowled at me I looked at him indifferently

Norns! I want to hurry and be done with the shopping I really do not want to stay in this Loki Crappy edition

anymore than he wants to be in mine

I turned on my heels and Walked off towards the entry/exit of Gringotts

I was almost out of the door when my instincts warned me and trusting my instincts I moved to my left missing snape's hand by centimeters,  that was about to grab me

"Stop Brat!" He scowled and I refrained from commenting about the Scowl getting stuck

I raised a brow at him

"Don't mess with me brat I do not want to play hide and seek with you"

"If that's the case then you can follow me around like you are supposed to do"

"I do not want to babysit you!"

"I do not need a babysitter and I can shop on my own "

before he could say something further I walked off I heard him grumbling behind me I also noticed people fearfully jumping out of his way like he was the plague

He must have a really bad reputation for the mass to act like that

And just like that, a gleeful idea entered my mind 'I'm going to have fun messing with him

I pulled out the list that dumbledoor gave me

So.. Books, potion stuff, trunk, uniform, clothes, wand, and pet

I skipped trunk since I already have one

first, we went to Flourish and Blotts

while snape was ordering first-year book set at the counter I looked into the shops picking up books that caught my eyes after all information is the biggest weapon may it be a war or a test

there were some books relating the Dark lord 1 (my melgalomaniac grandfather), Light Lord(My Senile grandfather), Dark lord 2.0 (Melagomaniac jr) the life of Harry Potter (the chosen one of the wizarding world), and others relating magical herbs and potion making

I piled them on the counter and Snape eyed then

"What are those"

I raised a Brow

"You are a professor right"


"Then I believe you should know what books are"

"I know those are books! What are those about I mean"

"I didn't know you were illiterate" I humored


"read the title" he scowled at that but nonetheless, read the titles I knew what I was doing

"Why do you need these books?"

"To read" he narrowed his eyes but didn't bother me any further

I paid for the books using the pouch that was connected to my vault surely snape will be even more suspicious if he sees my card that is only provided for the Elites

Next, we headed towards the Apotherapy shop where again snape ordered 1st-year kit while I picked up some other ingredients and a golden cauldron along with calming drop, pepper up, bezoar, and some advanced potion books after all father taught me how to brew potions and poisons alike he even forced me to study modern chemistry and mortal subjects like physics, their history After all information is the biggest weapon

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