Ch.10 Train ride

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Erik's POV~

"Hello my name is Hermione and this is Neville he lost his toad have you seen one?"...

The girl who introduced herself as Hermione had brown hair, buck teeth, and brown eyes that held intelligence. A Philomath I see oh a muggle-born too hmm a bit bossy ah a sucker for rules too then I turned to the boy ' Neville' shy, self-conscious, a bit clumsy, he lives with strict zealot got a hard upbringing poor boy

Perfect targets for step 1 of my plan

I concluded that they were not Depraved hence I decided to help them

"Hi what is the toad's name?" I said pulling my wand out

"Oh, are you doing magic! a boy down tried to do a spell but he failed" She looked a bit cocky, to be honest, but since I was a gentleman I couldn't let a lady down

~*snort* master you are just trying to manipulate her aren't you ?~

I ignored phantom and focused back on Hermione

"Trevor its name is Trevor," Hermione said in almost a challenging way but I could see a glint of curiosity in her eyes

"H-he It's a he" Neville stuttered

("Accio Toad the Trevor" not really ) "Accio Trevor the Toad," I said in a clear voice and felt a tentacle of magic leave my core and slither up the train inspecting every knock and corner for 'Trevor the toad'

A minute passed and nothing happened

"I think you did the spell wrong," Hermione said a hint of disappointment in her voice

"Not really" And just then we heard a scream down the hall. Trevor a green little toad flew right in my outstretched hand

"Well here's your toad' I said handing the toad to Neville

"Wow that spell wasn't in any of the 1st yearbooks," She said astonished

"Not everything can be learned from books milady" I gave her one of my award-winning smile she blushed

"Umm C-can we sit here everywhere else is full, " Neville asked unsurely

"You can but don't disturb Phantom," I said before going back to my book

"Who's Phantom?'' Hermione asked sitting opposite to me

And as if to I'm phantom, my bleached friend decided to make a grand entry by coming out of his hiding spot under my seat and jumping onto my lap in all his snowy white glory

Neville squeaked " a FOX!" and Hermione jumped onto her seat

" What are you doing with a fox!" She yelled

"Stop screaming and he's my familiar," I said as casually as telling the weather

"What's a familiar? and is it even allowed in the school" she asked tilting her head a little

" F- familiars are like pets but they are bound to their master by magic they won't attack if you don't threaten them or their master and yes any type of animal is allowed if it is a familiar " Neville said relaxing a little

" Oh why Isn't it written in Care of magical creatures after all it's about creatures is it not ?" she frowned

" Familiar bonding is an old and occasional phenomenon today only old magical families know about it hence it is not added in our syllabus"

" But that's not fair Everyone should have access to knowledge!"

" Life is not fair Hermione," I said indifferently I was sure that Hermione would try to do something about it

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