the truth, and then some.

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Vivian Hemmings does not remember the hours between 4 am and 9 am.

A nice couple, named Annalise and Jennifer, found her rushing down a busy street of people attempting to drive in the cold snow. Her sandals were soaked, her teeth were chattering, and she couldn't hardly speak.

They took her to the local hospital and they immediately admitted her. The doctors gave her warm blankets and rotated them every 20 minutes — making sure her body temperature went back to normal.

But then, she didn't wake up for 4 hours.

Her body reacted to the running — she ran for nearly 2 miles — and being freezing for a long time was not a good mixture for her health. So, naturally, she slept.

Niall came into work around 9:00 am, after driving around for an hour to try and locate Vivian, and looked at all of the patients.

While he was walking past Vivian's room, he heard her crying to an officer. Vivian's voice was too familiar to go about your day hearing.

He rushed into the room, saw Vivian, and immediately hugged her fragile state.

Vivian wasted no time absolutely sobbing into Niall's chest. The comfort of being around someone familiar made everything a little bit better.

"Sir, do you know this girl?" An officer asked. "She hasn't given us her name."

"I will get everything you need from her. Stop berating a crying 16 year old." Niall slightly snapped, cradling her head against his chest. "Leave. Please. Thank you for your time."

After the officers left and closed the door behind them, he cupped Vivian's cheeks to feel her face. "What the hell happened? Where have you been, angel? Your dad is worried sick."

Vivian's tears only continued.

"Call my dad," She hiccuped. "Don't call my mom. I need my dad. I need him, please."

Niall was standing beside Vivian's bed as she ate, a little bit later. She was starving, exhausted, and most importantly — traumatized.

"P-Please don't let my mom in here," Vivian sobbed before she mustered up the courage. "I– Niall, I don't know— Oh my god, I'm gonna have a panic attack."

Niall frowned and said, "Breathe, honey, breathe."

"Niall," Vivian managed to choke out. "I got— I got sexually assaulted last night— by my mom's boyfriend."

Niall's heart fell deep into his stomach. He watched Vivian's tears fill up further in her eyes and instantly brought her into another hug. He rubbed her back gently, closing his eyes. "I'm so sorry, sweetheart. I'm sorry. I am so sorry. I'll get your dad here right now."

"I need to tell you more," She cried. "My mom is abusing drugs. She's using all of the c-child support money to buy cocaine—" She hiccuped as she tried to get the next words out.

"Her boyfriend, B-Benjamin, tried to persuade me to try some. I said no. He's been hitting me— I have bruises all over my stomach, and they h-hurt," She cried, stammering over her words. "They hurt s-so bad. Please bandage them— I'm hurting."

Niall then left the room after comforting her some more — he had someone else put bandages on her stomach, promising her the female doctor wouldn't hurt her — and called Luke with tears in his eyes. 

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