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*Wade's P.O.V*

I watched closely as Lucas nearly avoided some rocks on his board. I always flinched when one of them got alittle too close to the rocks.

Why I brought them with my to surf here, I'll never know.

We were currently surfing in the no-go zone after lifeguard hours. I had managed to avoid Kaya for the rest of the day after she yelled at me.

She had pushed me forcefully into the north tower telling Brandon to leave before slamming the door.

On a somewhat normal occasion with any other girl, I would think we're about to get it on.

But with Kaya I panic'd, I had no time to react before she started yelling. Degrading me little by little by my stupidity.

Telling me, no shouting at me, "how could you be so stupid?" "Do you know how bad this makes us look?" "What is your problem Wade?" "How could you think doing that would be remotely ok?"

Part of me felt alittle bad for her. She was practically running the beach all alone.

To be honest she did that on any normal occasion, Kaya really did a lot of the work even when my dad was here.

But the other part of me wanted to tell her to shut up and leave me alone, she wasn't my mom and she wasn't someone in my life who could push me around the way she did.

"Get her out of your head." Lucas said with a sing-song tone.

I just side glared at him. He knew why we were all out here after lifeguard hours. He also knew I wasn't out here to surf like everyone else, I just wanted to clear my head... and stay away from Kaya.

"She's not in my head." I replied, blatantly lying to him.

"Look most boys have different fantasies about Kaya. They don't worry about whether she's home or not. Now I, I would love it if she were home because just imagine tossing her into your bed-"

"Lucas." I said stopping him from talking any further, I felt my jaw clench and my grip on my board tighten.


"Shut up." I said looking at him. "Quite frankly I don't want to hear about whatever fantasies you're having about Kaya."

Because the truth is every time you or one of the boys talk about her It makes my blood boil. I thought in my head.

No one should treat Kaya the way these boys thought about her. Granted she was very, very hot and being a life guard, that outfit, didn't really help, but she didn't deserve that.

And she didn't deserve the stress I was clearly putting on her now.

When my dads here she can somewhat manage me, but now me acting like a dick was just stressing her to the max.

Just trying to control the beach was a lot, but me and the beach... it was unfair. Especially when I had no urge to do anything but surf in the no-go zone, I only did that stuff to get her att- to annoy her.

"I think I'm going to head in." I said realizing I'd have to face Kaya sooner than later.

"Come on Wade, really?" Lucas said disappointment in his voice.

I sighed. Maybe I should stay out a bit longer, when I get back Kaya could be in her room watching Netflix and I really could avoid her.

"Hey check this out." Lucas said slapping my shoulders before pointing.

At first I thought he was trying to distract me in order to make me stay out longer but then I looked to my right to see a younger boy probably 13 paddling over towards us on his board.

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