One step forward

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*Wade's P.O.V*

I leaned back in my chair and twiddled my pen between my fingers. Keeping my phone pressed to my ear.

Doing my dads job wasn't exhausting. The only thing I really had to manage were major complaints and getting ready for this beach banger event.

"Yup, yes absolutely sir. We will run electric straight to your vehicle for the event and keep you near north shore away from the permanent restaurants. Yes, of course, yes a %5 kick back is fine. Yes, absolutely Thank you very much Mr. Richey see you at the event. Goodbye."

I sighed as I hung up the phone. I had been sitting at my dads desk sense I left the lifeguard tower this morning.

I smirk remembering what I left Kaya to deal with. I always love messing with Kaya, but that probably had to be the best yet.

I didn't do anything physical, just said a simple sentence that was sure to make her day a living hell.

I hoped it spread around the lifeguards like wild fire.

Goody two shoes Kaya had sex with Wade in the lifeguard tower.

Yeah, that was a story that would get around.

What made it funnier was, it was so far from true or possible. How anyone would believe it I'll never know.

"Mr. Fletcher, Its 5 o'clock I'm gonna head home."

I looked up at my dads secretary and smiled.

"Goodnight Mrs. Miller." I said

"Goodnight Wade. Try to at least leave alittle earlier today" She replied with a smile before leaving the office.

I had been staying late every night, trying to fill my dads shoes wasn't easy. I managed it but not as smoothly as my dad did some days it required me to stay hours after work.

I rubbed my eyes and looked at the clock. It was indeed 5 o'clock. I closed my folder and stood up from the chair.

I was hungry and tired. Sleeping in a chair all night had done me no favors and my neck was killing me.

Walking out the door, I shut off the light and locked up before getting in my car and driving home.

Kaya would be home for another 15 minutes so I took the time to begin making dinner.

Opening the fridge I made a mental note to go shopping before turning back to the mixing bowl on the counter.

Behind me the front door opened and slammed shut.

"You are an ass Wade Kelly Fletcher! You know that." She said not yelling but with authority behind her voice.

I turned from the counter, wiping my hands on my shorts.

"I'm confused, I've been at the office all day. There is no way I could have possibly broken any rules. Plus I said I would take it easy with the rule breaking." I stated with a smirk, not even trying to fray innocent as the what I'd really done.

"Oh fuck you Wade." She said rolling her eyes before flipping one of her braids over her shoulder. "My day was hell, half of the Lifegaurds including Brandon actually believe that I did, ya know, with you."

I smirk alittle bit hearing her talk about Brandon. I crossed my arms over my chest and leaning in the counter.

"You know having sex with me isn't all that bad. I'm actually pretty good." I smiled slightly and watched Kaya's cheeks grow red.

"Oh screw you." Was all she said before storming up to her room.

"If you insist!" I shouted back as she made her way up the stairs, just to get on her nerves one last time.

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