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College was making me nocturnal.

It was only a few weeks into the semester and the all-nighters had already started. I was heading onto hour eight of working on the latest research report—caffeine fuelled my sleep deprived brain. I'd spent most of the past two hours trying to keep my eyes open. The light from my laptop seared them dry. Sitting in a dimly lit dorm room probably wasn't one of my wisest ideas either. I rubbed at my eyes, willing the discomfort away. What was I thinking when I convinced myself that taking an additional biochemistry course would be a good idea?

It's alright, I reminded myself. A few more pages and I'll be able to sleep for the entirety of the weekend.

The torture would be worth it. It had to be. Otherwise, why would anyone put themselves through a treacherous university degree? I rested my head in my hands for a moment. If this is what my undergrad consisted of, I can only imagine what a prospective Master's degree would be like. Maybe I should get my bachelor of nursing and get out while I still could.

The lock on my dorm room jiggled and I swivelled in my seat. At this point I'd welcome any excuse to turn away from the jumble of words on the screen.

"Calista Madison Hale, that cup of coffee better not be the only thing you had today," Ella, my roommate, said with an accusatory finger.

The mug came to a halt below my parted lips. "I don't have a middle name. Where did you get Madison from?"

"It was the first thing that came to mind. It kinda has a nice ring to it, dontcha think?"

I raised a brow in response, taking a swig of the now-cold coffee.

"You're so talented," I muttered.

Ella flashed me a beaming smile, dropping her keys on the entry table. "Thanks."

"How was class?" I asked, hoping she wouldn't grill me about living off of americanos and breakfast sandwiches from our dorm's cafeteria.

"Same old, same old. New concepts taught by prehistoric professors. I might as well be teaching myself at this point." Ella threw herself back onto her bed. She sighed. "How about you? How's the paper going?"

"It's going... well."

"You haven't moved since I left this morning. Did you at least shower?" Ella asked.

A twinge of self-consciousness bubbled up as I took in my stained Fenton U sweater that I had slept in the night prior. "I'm working on it."

Ella raised her brows, a knowing smile on her face. "Well, when you're ready, I bought this new hair mask when I went downtown with the girls the other day. It smells delicious. You can use it if you'd like."

I envied people like Ella Gillard. People that could stay out all night at the campus bar, and still manage to hand in a project the following morning. People that managed to lead a social life while waist deep in the university trenches. People that kept their head above water and didn't have to pull all-nighters.

Girls that were sweet and gorgeous simultaneously.

"Yeah, that would be nice. Thank you." I returned her smile. A self-care day sounded perfect.

"How much more do you have to go?" She asked, pulling her blonde tendrils into a high ponytail.

I hummed, turning back to my laptop to glance over my notes. "Not too much... a couple more pages and then the work cited."

"Does that mean you'll actually have time to come out this weekend?" Ella asked from her position on her bed. There was already a romance novel securely in her hands.

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