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Lincoln hadn't brought Sadie to our study session. I hadn't seen her at all since I had brought her home last week. And if I was being honest, I missed having her present. Not only did she help pass the time while Lincoln was completing learning tasks, but her presence kept Lincoln's mood in check. Without her, Lincoln was back to his usual, inattentive self.

"Are you even listening?" I asked, positioning my head so I could make eye contact with him.

"Yeah." His thick arms were perpetually crossed over his chest. It caused his biceps to bulge, straining against the fabric of his black t-shirt. I tried to focus my attention on his bored expression.

"Then what are the actions caused by the flexor carpi radialis?"

Lincoln glanced down at the notes I had made before coming here. I slapped both hands down on the page. He rolled his eyes. "It helps you bend your waist."

"Unless your arm is connected to your ass, that is incorrect."

Lincoln removed one arm from across his chest and pinched the bridge of his nose before leaning back in his chair. "Did I say waist? I meant wrist."

"Sure," I said, narrowing my eyes at him. "Have you listened to a word I said today? I told you when we sat down that we were going to focus on the muscles of the arm today."

The unfazed expression he gave me caused my heart to hammer within my chest. I hadn't realized it until that very moment, but my biggest fear was coming to fruition. Lincoln was just showing up to keep me quiet. He had no intention of actually doing well in this course—and the added sessions were just a way to con me into watching Sadie for him while he was out galavanting.

As long as he showed face, I couldn't say anything to Hamilton.

I wouldn't be able to say anything to his coach either.

What a dickhead.

One step forward, two steps back. Just when I thought I was making some leeway, Lincoln decided to put on the breaks and ruin everything.

"You agreed to this," I reminded him.

Lincoln sent me a hard look. His dark eyes smouldered like embers.

"You have to do well in this course. That was part of the dea—"

"I agreed to show up," he admitted. "I didn't agree to doing more than the bare minimum, and I didn't guarantee that extra sessions would equal me passing anatomy with flying colours."

I pulled my lips into my mouth, biting on the bottom one. Passing might have been enough to keep his scholarship, but it wouldn't be enough for me to get my recommendation from Hamilton. Heat rose up my neck. Lincoln Pierce was the most selfish asshole I ever had the displeasure of meeting.

"But they should." I leaned into the table, the edge cutting into the front of my ribcage. Gesturing to the study material on the table I continued, "I'm literally trying everything with you. I spend hours of my week compiling notes, flashcards, and creating quizzes. You have to work with me here. You have a midterm in two weeks. What's the point in tutoring if you're not even going to try."

If possible, his eyes grew half a shade darker. "Who said I wasn't?"

Now it was my turn to lean back and cross my arms across my chest. "It doesn't look like you are."

Lincoln twisted in his seat. The hard angles of his body threatened to erupt from his shirt. "Did you ever think that maybe I just can't be you?"

"No one is asking you to be me. All I'm asking is for you to come in with the will to learn. If you have forgotten, this situation is meant to benefit me as well. You need to do well in the course if I'm going to get what I need from Hamilton."

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