Chapter One

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YEAR: 2014

"You have a new mission."
"New York."
"Nicholas Fury. Eliminate him, and anyone that gets in your way."
"Copy that."
"It's a solo mission."
"Can I trust you not to fuck it up?"
"You fuck it up, I have you killed."
"Of course."
"Good. Now go."
I nodded, and left Dreykov's office. On my way to the jet, I passed the training room. I saw Yelena, and made brief eye contact with her before she looked away.
She never spoke to me. We were never really close, only associated through Natasha. Then Nat left. And now, Yelena hates me. I think it's always been like that.

YEAR: 1995
DATE: September 30th

I was sitting on my bed, reading.
Another girl came into my room, looking visibly upset.
I tilted my head in confusion at her, then smiled when I took in her appearance.
"Your hair is blue!" I cried.
She seemed startled, and I realised she hadn't noticed I was there.
"That's so cool" I continued. "I wish my hair was blue..."
"H-How old are you?" she muttered, edging towards me closely.
"Four!" I beamed, holding up my fingers.
"One more" she took my hand carefully, and pushed up one more finger, as I had only been showing three.
"Oh I just forgot because it was three yesterday but now its four."
"Is it your birthday?"
"Yeah! It's my birthday today!"
The girl sat on the bed next to me.
"You can read?"
"Mhm. But I'm really slow but I can do it" I nodded proudly.
She was still tearful, so I pushed my book aside and sat next to her.
"What's your name?" I asked.
"I am y/n. Natasha, can I ask you a question?"
"Why are you crying?"
"I- I lost my sister."
"I'll help you find her."
"I don't think you can."
"Oh" I paused. I never had a sister, so I didn't know what it was like to lose one. "I'm sorry."
Natasha looked down into her lap. 
I frowned and opened my book again. But I couldn't concentrate.
"What's your sister's name?" I wondered.
"Yelena" Natasha replied.
I nodded and jumped up.
"Where are you going?" I heard Natasha call behind me as I skipped out the room. I heard her footsteps following me. So I made a game out of it, and ran faster.
I ran into the large familiar office that I had been visiting every other day since I could remember. Which wasn't very long, but the point is I liked it in there.
I ran up to the tall desk and stood on my tiptoes so I could rest my chin on it.
"Y/n!" Natasha yelled, running until she got to the doorway, where she stopped in her tracks and stood awkwardly. Frightened and angry.
"Mr Dreykov" I smiled.
"Y/n, what are you doing here?" Dreykov asked.
"Do you know Yelena?"
Dreykov looked over my shoulder, and I turned to where Natasha was standing in the doorway.
"This is Natasha!" I turned back to Dreykov. "She's my new friend."
"Hm. Y/n, did you finish your reading?"
"Almost. There were some big words in it."
"Go and finish your reading, then I will send Yelena to your room if you're good."
"Okay" I grinned. "Bye!"
I skipped to the doorway and stood next to Natasha.
I held out my hand hoping she would take it, but she didn't realise as she was still looking at Dreykov.
"When did you take her?" Natasha asked him.
"Y/n go to your room. Natasha will be along in a minute" Dreykov ordered.
"Okay" I shrugged and left without giving it another thought.
I returned to my room and finished my reading.
Natasha came back just as I closed my book.
"Hi Nat! Can I call you Nat or do you not like that because I thought it could be a nickname but if you don't like it then I can call you Natasha" I blurted excitedly. She seemed sad, but she smiled weakly, for my benefit apparently.
"You can call me Nat."
"Okay, Nat."
Nat came and sat next to me, and she put an arm around me welcomingly.
"I've got to go" I suddenly remembered and jumped up.
"I have to do a bit of fighting, then I finished my chores and then your sister can come."
"You do fighting?"
"Mhm. But don't worry I don't hurt anyone. I just hit a big bag. Mr Dreykov says he is very hopeful so if I keep doing my fighting I will become a very special person."
Before Nat could reply, I ran out the room and headed to the small training room. I was eager to get my chores finished, because I really wanted to meet Yelena. I practised punches and kicks for half an hour, then I went to the knife table. I picked up the sharpest one and admired the blade. Then I raised it and aimed, and threw it at a target. I hit the middle of it. I threw two more at the targets on either side of the first one, successful again both times. I excitedly ran over and pulled each target off the wall, then carried them to Dreykov's office. I pushed them onto his desk, then stood on my tip toes to peer over, grinning widely.
"Y/n?" Dreykov questioned. "You're back?"
"Look" I pointed at the marks I had made in the middle of each target.
"I'm very proud of you."
"Me too!"
"Did you finish the rest of your chores?"
"Yes. Can I see Yelena now?"
"You can meet her tomorrow."
"Promise?" I frowned.
"Of course. And y/n..."
"Happy birthday."
"I thought you forgot."
"I would never forget. It's an important day. Only four, and look how well you're doing already."
My smile grew wider, and I waved to Dreykov.
I skipped back to my room where Natasha was waiting.
"Mr Dreykov said that we can see Yelena tomorrow, because I was good and I did all my chores like I was told" I explained to her.
"Thank you!" Nat cried and wrapped her arms around me.
"What are you doing?" I asked, startled.
"Giving you a hug."
"Oh. Okay."
She let go and climbed into her own bed.
"Goodnight y/n."
"Goodnight Nat."
The next morning, I woke up before Natasha. She was still sleeping peacefully in her bed, so I decided to let her be.
After a while, there was a knock on the door, and I opened it to see a blonde-haired girl, a little taller than me, eyes red from crying, clothes torn.
"Hi" I looked up and smiled. "Are you Yelena?" I asked.
She gulped nervously and nodded.
"Yelena?" Nat called from behind me. "Yelena!"
Yelena's face lit up and she ran over to where Nat was sitting up in bed, and they embraced in a hug.
I stood in the doorway awkwardly, and Nat gestured me over.
"Yelena, this is y/n. She's our sister too, now."
Yelena frowned at me and didn't say anything. She shuffled closer to Nat.
I decided to ignore her odd behaviour, smiling as Nat had just called me her sister. I crawled under her arm and Nat hugged both me and Yelena.
I smiled up at Yelena, but she was still glaring at me for some reason. I had no idea why she looked sort of angry, so I decided not to focus on that.
Instead, I focused on Nat, enjoying the warm feeling that was growing inside of me.

YEAR: 2014

I carried on past the training room without a second look back at Yelena.
I got to the jet to leave the Red Room, and entered the coordinates for New York. Specifically, the location of Nicholas Fury.
He was my target. I would only focus on him. I wouldn't return until I completed my mission, and I had killed him.
That shouldn't be too hard since I had killed many many people in my life.

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