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Greenies POV

"HE'S GOIN' TO KILL ME!" I scream over and over. "HELP!"

I look back and still see him chasing me. I run and run and run until I start seeing people. I slow down and see that they are all boys. 'Boys! I hope there's at least one girl!' I start to run faster and glance back again


Running while looking backwards is not a hood idea. I slam into someone and fall over. I look up and see a girl looking down at me. 'Yes! A girl!'

"Mr. Amazing Hair Dufus is gonna kill me." I tell her. She looks at the boy running after me and starts to laugh.

"Oh don't worry, Luke won't kill you."

"Will he if I threw mangos at him and now he's covered in mango guts?"

She just starts laughing harder.

Ella's POV

I wake up to someone screaming bloody murder. 'What now?' I think as I go and investigate.

I walk over to the middle of the glade. That's when I see someone running full speed right at me.


She runs right into me and falls over. 'She must be our new greenie. Wonder when she came.'

"Mr. Amazing Hair Dufus is gonna kill me." she states calmly.

I look to see who 'Mr. Amazing Hair Dufus' is. Luke. I start laughing.

"Oh don't worry, Luke won't kill you." 'I hope' I add mentally.

"Will he if I threw mangos at him and now he's covered in mango guts?"

I fall over from laughing so hard. Now I get why he was chasing her.

When I stop laughing, I help the greenie up.

"I'm Ella. I'm the Keeper of the Runners.

"Cool. I don't remember my name. I'm the Keeper of the Crowbars." What the heck? What did she just say? Crowbars?

"Hey Ella. I see you've met our new greenie." Luke finally caught up with her. He seems sad, not angry though.

"Yep. When did she get here?"

"She got here last night." the greenie says, glaring at us. "Also her head hurts super badly. Did she mention that she is hungry, cuz she really is. Mr. Amazing Hair Dufus got her some mangos but they will be out of commission for a while. More like forever."

I look at Luke with my eyebrows raised. He just looks even sadder.

"Ok come with me. Luke, get Jonah and Philip. We need to talk."

Philips POV

"So you got her a concussion, got her out of the box, carried her to a tree, talked for hours, and got her food but it never once crossed your mind to get any of us?" I ask Luke, who won't stop looking at the greenie.

"That 'bout sums it up."

"You forgot to mention the part when I threw the mangos at you and you chased me until I ran into Ella." The greenie tells him.

"Yeah yeah yeah. We've been over that." Jonah says impatiently.

"Are you positive you don't remember anything about last night?" Ella asks our green bean.

"Nah. I think I would remember his amazing hair if I saw it before." She replies, pointing at Luke.

"But you did see my amazing hair before!" Luke insists.

"Maybe her bloody memories will come back as she gets better. Can we go eat now?" Jonah wines.

"You are dismissed." Ella nods at us.

"Your not our teacher you know!" I inform her.

"Yes. Yes I am." She smirks.

"See ya!" Luke, greenie and Jonah all say on their way out of my room (our private meeting place).

Ella's about to leave but I grab her hand and shut the door.

"We need to talk."

"Yeah. We do." She says quietly.

Ella's POV

"First off, I'm sorry I got you thrown in the Slammer on your second day here. Secondly, I'm sorry I've been avoiding you." Philip says, his cheeks getting red.

"I'm sorry, too. I shouldn't have spit on you or slapped you or anything else I did. I'm really sorry." I feel my own cheeks turning pink.

"Come 'ere." he pulls me into a hug. I think I fancy him.

"You hungry?" He asks pulling back.


We walk to breakfast together, hand in hand.


Oh I've been waiting for them to make up!

Comments? Ideas? Please! My ears are open!

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