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Ella's POV

I get out of bed and walk around a little. I stumble out of my room and to Homestead.

"Hey! It's Ella!" I hear a glader shout.

"I knew she would get better!"

"How ya feelin', shank?"

"You still with Philip? Cause if your not......." I barley hear them talking to me. I'm on a mission. I shall not get distracted.

I enter Homestead and go straight to Jonah's room. I knock.

"Who's there?"

"Special delivery for Mr. Jonah."

"ELLA! Is that you?!" I hear him rush to the door and he opens it. He tackles me in a hug.

"C-can't.....b-breathe....." I mumble.

"Shuck! Sorry!" He steps back and looks me over. "You all better little sis?"

"Never better little bro." I answer smiling. "How long have I been out?"

"Almost four days." He isn't smiling anymore.

"Okaaayyyy. Where's the greenie girl?" I change the subject.


"Why? What she do?"

"She doesn't listen. We tried to get her to try out for all the jobs but she wouldn't. She makes fun of everyone. Especially me and my accent. I'd be careful around her if I were you." I smile. Sounds just like the greenie who was in my tree. She finally got put in the Slammer.

"What's her name?"

"Won't tell us. She knew my name, though." His face darkens.

"Ugh! After all these good greenies we finally get a 'toughy'!" I roll my eyes. "Well, thanks for the update! I'll see you around little bro!"

As I turn to leave he replies, "Sammy said since you are hurt you can't run for a month. Sorry."

I stop in my tracks. This isn't new news, but it still makes me sad when I hear it. I just shake my head and walk to the Slammer.

"Who are you?" The greenie girl scoffs.

"I'm Ella, Keeper of the Runners and third in command." I put my hands on my hips. "Who the bloody hell are you?"

She studies my face.

"Maria. Mia."

"Why didn't you tell anyone else your name?"

"I didn't trust them."

"So why did you tell ME your name?"

She shrugs.

"Your accent. It calms me." What? That's a bloody new one. "When do I get out of this thing?"

"When you agree to listen to the rules." I say, kinda harshly. "It all depends on you."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I agree. Just get me out of here!"

"How do you agree when you don't even know the bloody rules yet?" I raise an eyebrow. Mia just sighs.

"Rule number one: Everyone does their part. No slackers.
Rule number two: NEVER hurt another glader. We need to trust each other.
The last and most important rule, rule number three: Never EVER leave the bloody glade. Ya do ya die. That's our motto. You get me?" She nods.

"Good that." I let her out and take her to get some food. Gosh, I'm hungry.

Jonas POV

Ella woke up three days ago. Kathleen woke up a few hours after her. All the girls sit in a circle under a tree when they aren't working. Mia is a cook. Ella practically forced her to work.

I walk over to the tree they sit under and see them talking. I stare at Mia. She pretty. Ella notices me staring and calls out to me,

"Would you like to join our Circle of Truth?" Circle of Truth? They have a name for sitting in a bloody circle? Girls are strange sometimes. I jog over to them and sit down.

"Welcome, would you like to share your deepest secrets?" Kathryn asks.

"My deepest secrets? What are you talking about?" They all start giggling.

Luke strolls over towards us and Ella asks him the same question.

"Would you like to join our Circle of Truth?" He looks completely confused but sits down anyways.

Ella ends up asking anyone who walks by to join the group. We get about seven more people.

"DINNER!" Matt yells. We all jump up and go eat.

Philips POV

Ever since Ella woke up, she hasn't been the same. She doesn't sit next to me, she barley talks to me, and she only makes eyes contact on the rare occasions when we do talk. Even that is only ten words. Yes, I know I gave her a black eye and pushed her into a weapons crate that almost killed her, but she doesn't let me have a chance to apologize! When all the girls sit in their circle and Ella asks them to join, she's never the one to ask me. I don't join anyway.

I was sitting at a table for dinner with the girls, Jonah, and Luke when I see Jonah starring at Mia. I elbow him and wiggle my eyebrows at him. He just glares at me. He begins to stare at and play with his food. Not a very Jonah thing to do. I believe he likes Mia.......nah, he REALLY likes Mia.

Ella's POV

I don't mean to avoid Phil, I'm just upset with him. I made sure Kathleen didn't tell anyone that Philip was the person who pushed us. If Jonah found out he would get him banished.

We are sitting in our Circle of truth when Kathryn says,

"I need a drink. Will someone come with me?" Everyone, except me and Mia, go with her.

We sit in awkward silence for a couple minutes.

"What's up with you and Philip?" She blurs out.

"What do ya mean? Nothing's up."

"I heard from some other gladers that you two were together. What happened?" I sigh.

"It's bloody complicated."

"Yeah. I bet it bloody is" she mumbles. I punch her arm.

"What? I was just agreeing with you!"

"Don't make fun of my accent."

Then I smirk at her. She must fancy one of the gladers. I wonder who it is....

"Who is it?" I ask.

"Whose what?" She tries to dodge the question.

"Which glader? Sammy?" She shakes her head.






"Eww no! He scares me."

I list about ten other names. All no.

"Then bloody who!!!!" I'm getting frustrated.

She glances at Jonah who's near by. She blushes.

"So you fancy him."

"No Ella." She says looking confused. "I like him."


Shout out to mazerunner5k and her book Forgotten. Read her book. It's WICKED good. Haha.

Please comment and give me your ideas!

Okay, so I'm gonna start updating multiple chapters on weekends.

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