leaving behind loved ones?

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It's been 2 weeks since my brothers have left for a business trip. I tried calling Jungkook a few times but ne never answered. No messages nor phone calls were made between us. I did ask Dad a few times where they are but he refused to tell me anything since it's "none of my businnes".

Then it suddenly knocked on my door.

*Knock, Knock*

Y/n: Come in.

I said cuz I thought it was Dad.

??: Hello, Y/n.

I turned around only to see the same mysterious guy I've met before in the dark cellar.

I turned around only to see the same mysterious guy I've met before in the dark cellar

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Y/n: Eh h-hello. What are you doing here?

??: Chill. I won't hurt you. Well, I'm not planning to hurt you.

I gulped. That guy has a very weird, dark aura.
I also knew that I shouldn't mess with anyone inside this house. I had to be extremely careful.

The guy slowly closed my door shut and stood a few meters away from me. His face looked pale and kind of expressionless. It was indeed scary.

??: Your Dad isn't at home. He's out at the company- he has an important meeting with an investor.

He began talking and took a few steps towards me.

??: But that's not the reason I'm here.

He came closer and closer and stopped right infront of me and sat down on the chair besides me.

??: Listen, I think your Dad is behind your brothers disappearance.

He whispered.

My eyes widened. My "brothers"? I couldn't really answer to what he just said. I mean Dad really acted weirdly these last couple of days, but why would he get rid of the others?

??: You better answer me, you brat. I'm risking my life right now I hope you know that.

I quickly nodded.

Y/n: I just don't really know w-what to say.

??: stupid.

He rolled his eyes at me.

??: Listen. I am 100% sure about this. I know Mr Kim very well since I've been working for him for many years now.
I know his plan and his system. And you know what else I'm 100% sure of?

I remained silent which made him roll his eyes again.

??: I know you love your brothers. And I know you want to help them- Or atleast find them.
Am I right, Y/n?

What is he trying to do? Convince me?
I slowly nodded.

??: See? I know where your brother are. And they're all in big danger. Actually, you are too.
Mr Kim wants to kill them all..slowly..and you too. It's only a matter of time when he's doing that with you too.

Y/n: B-but why am I still here then?

??: Because you're no threat to him. You're nothing compared to him or well..your brothers. You're alone, can't defend yourself and on top of that you're naïve.

I looked down to the ground. I felt kind of offended too but mostly hurt.

??: I'm not here to talk about your characteristics, Y/n. So let's get straight to the point: We both will leave this house tonight.

I suddenly started coughing. Leave the house??? Tonight?? With him??

??: I've planned everything already. It's safe. Your father won't return from the meeting until next morning.

Y/n: And the guards?

He chuckled.

??: You know, Y/n, I'm known as a trustworthy, high positioned person in this house. They're your guards and I'm their boss.

Y/n: But why do you need me for this?

??: I can't tell you my entire plan. That wouldn't be safe nor a good idea.

He paused for a few seconds.

??: If you ever want to see your brothers alive again, then you need to do what I fucking tell you. And if you should ever have the guts to go against me, then I'm going to kill you. And trust me, Y/n, I've already killed hundreds of people like you, So you better do what I say.

Y/n: I- I understand. I'll do what you say.

??: good. then get ready. You're allowed to bring one bag with you. And also: only bring what's completely necessary. You're allowed to bring 6 things inside that bag. No more.Understand?

Y/n: yes.

??:good. Wear something black too, understand? So people won't directly see us.

Y/n: okay.

??: And as I said, don't talk to anybody. Not even Vladimir- I know you're close to him but we can't trust him.
he won't ever dare to go against Mr Kim.

Y/n: will mr kim kill him to-

??: yes. But get ready now. We're leaving around 2am.

Here y'all go. Chapter 29 already! Things are about to get umm crazy:) anyways, I hope you liked the late ( I knowww) update.
Oh and I once again wanted to thank y'all for all the lovely messages!


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