Nick & Nora/Sid & Nancy pt. 5

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Daphne had to contain her laughter as she and Jess walked back to the diner. Even more so when Jess had to stay outside so Daphne could run in and get a towel for him to not drip all over the floors. To Daphne's surprise (and Jess's relief) Luke wasn't in the diner or the apartment. Caesar, the cook in the diner, informed Daphne he hadn't seen Luke since he left to pick them up from school.

"Thanks, Caesar," Daphne said from behind the counter.

"Yeah, no problem," he responded, sticking his head out the window with a cheeky grin on his face.

Daphne sent him a small thanks before heading back upstairs. Jess was nowhere to be seen when she entered, though the bathroom door was closed, and Daphne figured he'd decided to take a (much needed) shower. She went to her air mattress, put on her headphones, and stared up at the ceiling blankly, bored out of her mind (despite the many things she could do to keep her occupied like homework or unpacking) as the clock ticked away.

Jess eventually came out, going to his own mattress and began smoking his cigarettes again, reading his book as he did. At seven thirty, Daphne's stomach had gone long enough without eating, forcing her to start cooking dinner. Spaghetti, Daphne supposed, it took little effort.

"You want any?" Daphne called out to Jess from the kitchen.

Jess lit another cigarette, "I'm not hungry." Daphne frowned, but turned back to the stove, not having the energy to coax him into eating. If he didn't want to eat, that was his problem (though Daphne did plan on leaving him leftovers in the fridge).

As Daphne sat at the table, lifting a forkful of noodles to her mouth, Luke burst through the front door with a bag in his hands like he was on a mission. He immediately went to Jess's side, and began sorting through the bag in his hand, throwing each item onto Jess's bed.

"Okay, we got the patch, the gum, hypnosis tapes, Chinese herbs, self help books, and several pictures of diseased lungs to hang on the fridge." He shuffled through the disgusting pictures. "Pretty, huh?"

"This is done," He grabbed the cigarette from Jess's mouth, taking it over to the window and throwing it out.


Luke began searching through a closet, continuing his speech. "You will get up and go to school, you will come home. You will work into the diner until closing. You will do your homework, and then you will go to bed. Where's the gnome?"

"The what?" Jess asked, clearly playing dumb.

"A gnome?" a confused Daphne asked from the table, taking a bite of noodles.

Luke kept walking through the apartment, looking for the stolen gnome. "Weekends are for chores, and selected pre-approved outings, ie. cabala studies, highway beautification projects, Color Me Mine pottery painting: all discussable options." He searched a closet and pulled out the gnome wrapped in a jacket.

"You will not steal. You will pay back Taylor Dosey. You will graduate from high school, and you will return Pierpon to his yard," he said, referring to the gnome.

"You can't just-"

"I can just."

Daphne had to hold back a snort, enjoying seeing Jess put in his place.

"And you," Luke turned to Daphne, with just as much passion. She silently cursed herself, and the smirk on her face was wiped off and replaced with wide, nervous eyes. Daphne should've known only Jess getting in trouble was too good to be true.

"You will do your homework, and graduate, and go to college." Daphne didn't miss Jess silently giggling behind Luke's back, and making sure Daphne saw. Daphne glared at him, trying to mouth 'shut up' at him.

"I am not going to just let you two fall off the face of the Earth. I will not let you drift. I won't let it happen. Now, I don't know if this is the right way to handle this, but this is the way it is being handled. And that, my friends is the end of this discussion."

Jess, the wisest of the Marianos stayed quiet, whereas Daphne did not. "Wasn't much of a discussion," she mumbled under her breath.

"What?" Luke asked tensely.

"I said that it wasn't a discussion, but more like orders!" Daphne shouted. "Why do you feel like you can just control my life?! I met you Three days ago!"

"Because I can!" He yelled back. "You are my responsibility now, and I will not just let you throw your life away. I am not your mother. You will do what I say and that is final!"

"Ugh!" Daphne screamed, frustrated at Luke. Even more so when she remembered she didn't even have a room to run to. She ran to her bed, shoving her face into her pillow and letting out a high pitched screech in anger.

Jess quite literally did the opposite. He silently stood from his bed and grabbed his jacket, heading for the door with not so much as glancing at Luke or Daphne.

"Where are you going?"


"Well at least I asked."


woah holy smokes 5 chapters for one episode holy cow

they won't always be that long, i just wanted to give a more in depth perspective of daphne and her experiences within stars hollow on her first few days of living there

i really like this idea and haven't read that many stories that do the character of *jess's sister* justice. she's usually just treated like a copycat version of rory (which is weird) or a tRaUmATizEd sAd 2013 tumblr girl™️ caricature. i think it's a really interesting concept of jess having a sister especially with luke and liz's relationship with each other and with jess. i just thought there'd be a great representation of inter generational trauma within the danes family, especially since liz is demonized in those stories, which also it is (somewhat) well deserved i think she deserves at least a little slack

and can we talk about how moody daphne is? like damn calm down it's not that serious babe 🙄

but also give her a break guys she's literally 15!

also if you're confused on some of the details of daphne's character elements here are a few:

- two years younger than jess, rory, lane, and dean: meaning she is 15 in the start of season two, and her birthday is november of 1986 (sagittarius baby!!!)

- black hair, brown eyes

- roughly about 5'6

- hasn't seen her dad in years, (daphne definitely has daddy issues and general issues with men

- generally looks like luke's mom which kinda freaks him out

- doesn't hate liz, but definitely isn't happy with her like 90% of the time

- a lot like liz when she was younger (even tho we get barely any explanation on luke's childhood 😭 most of it is going to be inferred) (ap english students wya?!?)

- kleptomaniac

- relatively intelligent, yet does not apply herself and figures she can just cruise through high school bc she's "naturally smart"

- cat person

lmk if you have any more questions!


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