The Wandering Mountains

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The air was thin up here, my skin cold, and my breaths short, but I'd never felt more alive. The Zephyr ripped through the air like a fish through water, traveling across cities and regions at incredible speeds.

We'd only been flying for a few hours, yet I'd seen more of Heliac than any land-based vehicle would allow me in days. This machine was nothing less than incredible.

My stomach clenched when the barrier separating the Wandering Mountains from the Mist Region appeared on the horizon. I'd dreamed of this moment since the first time I'd heard of this otherworldly phenomenon, but now that we were here, I feared the sight awaiting me.

Not Templars nor dragons were responsible for the barrier. It was the result of mountains and debris wandering past the boundaries and into the regions where gravity still acted undisturbed by the ancient powers.

Some called it the Barrier of the Resting Mountains, while others referred to it as the Graveyard. I preferred the former.

"Hold on," Art said, steering the Zephyr towards the barrier, defying gravity to climb along the mountainside.

I grabbed onto the seat, digging my nails into the leather as the Zephyr's nose turned upward, leaving us in a nearly vertical incline.

My eyes watered as the air got colder. I could hardly keep them open, but I forced myself to endure it, not wanting to miss the sight lying beyond the wall.

A pit formed in my stomach when the Zephyr leveled again, the feeling of weightlessness sending tremors of excitement through my body as an unbelievable world of spectacular views unfolded before me.

Mountains as tall as the depths of the Eclipse Trench floated mid-air. Their peaks were densely forested, the vegetation overflowing with life more diverse than that of the Timber Islands. Furry creatures with countless arms and eyes hung from the vines, joining the smaller boulders to the larger mountains.

Waterfalls formed by the rich mist shrouding parts of the territory echoed through the humid air as the water descended into the sea of impenetrable fog below us.

This place was even more magical than I'd hoped it would be.

"Sit down, Will," Art said, tugging my uniform to keep me within the boundaries of the Zephyr. "You'll fall out."

"Have you ever seen anything as beautiful as this, Art?" I asked, inhaling the unique scent of this incredible place, leaving my arms open to embrace the wind.

Art chuckled. "You must surely remember that this place used to be my home," he said, smiling lazily.

I chuckled as I was reminded that he used to live with the Templars. What an amazing life to wake up to this view every morning. I don't think I could ever grow tired of it.

"Where are we going?" I asked. I had been curious about his previous life outside the walls of the Golden Palace, but I didn't want to pry. He would share his secrets when he was ready.

"Be patient, Willow. You'll see once we get there."

I rolled my eyes, perfectly aware that nothing I did or said could pry an answer from his stubborn lips. Sometimes, I wondered if he enjoyed taunting me like this.

Strands of stray hair whipped against my face as I twisted my neck to get one last look at the barrier before it disappeared between the wandering cliffs and mountains.

The name Graveyard did not do it justice. Flora and shrubbery painted the mountainsides, streams of water pouring from holes and cracks, forming thousands of creeks to feed the mist below.

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