Poisonous Haze

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Air rushed past my face as I fell vertically along the mountainside.

The icy winds stung my cheeks. My eyes would've been inundated with blinding tears if Art hadn't thought ten steps ahead and given me those glasses.

For a moment, I let myself appreciate the rush of diving into an almost weightless state before the fears of reality set in.

My heart started beating at a rapid pace. All my senses were tingling in anticipation of my next move.

I would soon reach the bottom of this mountain. If I dropped much further, I would become lost in the sea of mist beneath us, which meant failure was out of the question.

Caiden wasn't here to rescue me. Art watched me from the edge, but time was not easily defeated.

He'd promised to be there for me if I lost control. It had calmed me while I'd been standing beside him, but now I realized how small that window of opportunity was.

Art couldn't teleport to save me if he couldn't see me. I'd be a lost cause if I fell into that mist.

I had to trust myself and my powers if I had any hope of surviving this attempt to trick fate.

Humans weren't meant to fly, but it didn't mean that we couldn't.

I closed my eyes and summoned the powers slumbering within me. Once I felt the familiar rush of blood surge through my veins faster than should've been possible, I spread my fingers and released the energy buzzing at the end of my fingertips.

The wind tugged my board. It wasn't strong enough to carry me, but I couldn't simply release a hurricane. Instead, I needed to ease into it; otherwise, I'd lose control.

It took everything I had to ignore the possibility that I was about to fall to my death.

Finally, moments before it was too late, I felt ready.

I forced my eyes open and spawned a wave of wind behind me. The tension between the board's surface and the unyielding wind allowed the board to find grip, and I turned to drift horizontally on nothing but air.

The mist beneath me spread to each side as I surfed on top of it, leaving a visible trail behind me.

I was flying.

Excitement and pride filled my body with warmth, and I smiled wider than ever. The air hardly even felt cold anymore.

I leaned back, wielding the air to carry me toward the edge where Art still stood.

Laughter sounded from my lungs. A surge of thrill tickled my stomach, making my heart racing like there would be no tomorrow.

"I did it, Art!" I shouted as I soared past the edge. "I'm flying!"

I didn't see his expression, but I heard his voice.

"That's my girl!"

His laugh brightened my spirit. The pride made a flare of hope ignite inside me. I was one step closer to my goal.

"Now go, Willow!" Art shouted. "Explore the mountains of the ancient dragons, but stay away from the gray mist!"

I stopped the flow of air and flipped backward with the board still attached to my feet.

Flying was even better than I'd imagined. No words would ever be able to describe the endless sensation of freedom and happiness erasing every sliver of concern in my mind.

Another wave of wind heeded my orders and sent me darting through the air. The board was barely inches above the flat grassland I'd been bound to before, but I never touched it.

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