15: Lost & Found 2

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as soon as he arrived to the nearest local department, he rushed inside as he searched for the familiar face he spoke to earlier, the female cop. "hey kid, here" his head bobbed to his right, left, frantic, upon locating the voice, he ran inside a cubicle type of office, seeing three or four officers inside. 

he couldn't care less of the people, he only met with the green eyes of the cop earlier as his hands landed on the table, ensuing a shake of the table. he met with distasteful gazes, a few sighs as he assume they were because it was a tourist case. 


"where is she? i thought you'd find her by now, respectfully ma'am, i'm sure she wouldn't have walked away just like that to anywhere in such a foreign place." his one laced with concern and unintentional sarcasm, earning a understanding nod however. 

she tried smiling, barely even. "we've put a call to all our florence, and near district departments." a pause between her words as she called out to the boy, turning an laptop to his vision. 

her manicured nail pointed to an area, dark. "we've got a report from this district, it is almost 3 hour away," she licked her lips before continuing, this time, meeting his concerned gaze. "it is most likely a kidnap-attempt." 

he blinked. once. twice. "i'm sorry?" 

she inhaled a heavy breath again, a line forming on her tan forehead, "there was a man, she is currently as the polizia station. you're lucky she smart." she spoke in a more italian toned voice this time, more comfortably in a way. 

he grabbed his hair out of frustration, he didn't even have a car here, ubered the way, a phone, and cash. all he wanted back was hana now. 

for the first time he'd admit. 

countless other times he'd not admit. 

"well, what are we waiting for?" he asked again, turning his back. 

"but, they'll bring her here-" 

"no, i want to go right now. please ma'am. i need to see her as soon as possible." he pleaded, his eyes round, big, so spacious, so much emotion, too much feeling. 

she sighed, "this is florence 732-LK8, we're on the way there." 

"come on kid." 

as soon as those few words were spoken. the night had darkened already, the moon drifting apart from the foggy grey clouds, it was drizzling at the time he reached the police station. only to be called outside again, into a car as he followed behind the police car to the other police department of somewhere near benevento.

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hana was trembling, shivering, cold, and scared.

"hana!" jay couldn't hold in his concern as hana ran over to him, trapping him in a hug. she fell into his arms, shivering with her hands cold,  knuckles white. 

"hey, hey, calm down love" jay patted his wife's back, eyeing on a man in handcuffs along with to officers. 

"this man was trying to kidnap the girl. has two more cases like this, little girl, it's good you tried fight him. I'll see you at the desk, sir" the officer harshly pushed the man out the door, a sympathising look at the couple as he went out. 

"hana. . . you okay? look at me" hana, who lifted her head up slowly, locked eyes with him. her grip loosened on jay's torso. 

"okay, we− we, don't need to talk right now if you want. let's go, It'll. . . be fine love" jay reached out for her hand, the girl who's throat was sore burning, gently kept a hold of his hand. without realising, she just stayed beside her husband, who spoke with the officers, and the kidnapper. 

the night darkened, as they reached the hotel. 

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