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~Y/N's POV~

"What are we doing here, Jimin?" I questioned, shifting uncomfortably in my seat. Jimin had driven me to an enormous corporate building that I was completely unfamiliar with and led me to a strange office room with no more than a few vague comments. If I didn't trust him so much, I'd think he was kidnapping me to sell me off.

"I told you, I have a solution to the second problem," Jimin beamed proudly. "His name is Kim Taehyung."

"Who?" I scrunched my brows.

"Kim Taehyung," Jimin spoke matter-of-factly. "I met him on a trip to Milan. His family is the biggest player in the textile industry, which is a perfect complement to our family's business."

"Why haven't I heard of him then?"

"Their family is extremely private," Jimin explained. "They stay out of the public eye as much as possible. Most of their business dealings occur behind the scenes."

"That's great and all, but I'm not interested in another marriage candidate," I sighed, leaning back in my chair. "I don't see how this is supposed to help."

"Patience, baby sister," he wagged his finger at me. "He is in a similar position as you- his family wants him to marry the next eligible young lady as soon as possible, and he'd rather...not."

"Please tell me he's not an old man."

"Oh, no," Jimin giggled. "He is quite a specimen, even you would be impressed by his sense of fashion."

I had much more that I wanted to ask Jimin, but our conversation was cut short by the arrival of who I assumed to be the man in question. Kim Taehyung. He was as luxurious as Jimin had described him. His suit was made from a beautiful brocade fabric, styled in a way that made him appear almost regal. The word that came to mind when I laid my eyes on him- expensive. He took a seat in the chair in front of me and flashed me a charming smile.

"So, what's in it for you?" I asked the man before me, wasting no time on pleasantries. After seeing him, I was sure he could have any woman he wanted to play the role of a fill-in wife, so what did he have to gain from helping me specifically?

"I quite like my playboy lifestyle, as horrible as that may sound, so I don't have any intentions of taking a legitimate wife," he explained calmly. "Even if she were only my wife by arrangement, I would never cheat on her. I'd treat her like a queen, as she deserved. Since I want to continue dating whoever I please, whenever I please, the best option for me is to avoid marrying entirely."

"You're right- that does sound horrible...but also, admirable, at the same time," I chuckled. I couldn't knock him for his honesty, he knew what he wanted and how to attain it. Our arrangement would be mutually beneficial. He could continue to date around without fear of hurting someone's feelings, and I could date the one person I truly wanted to. Freedom despite our chains.

"We will need to make a few public appearances, of course," he remarked, beginning to rummage through the pockets of his suit jacket. "And make sure you wear the ring, after you tell your father, that is." He presented me with a black velvet box, which upon further examination, held a brilliant diamond engagement ring. Humorous, with how little regard he handed it over to me, considering the countless thousands it must have costed him. Fake engagements sure were pricey.

"I apologize in advance, I'm sure my father will want to host a public announcement party," I said, slipping the ring on my finger to ensure it fit. "I will convince him to hold off on an immediate marriage so that we can properly court, since we are so very in love," I rolled my eyes at the ridiculousness of it all.

"Don't worry," he smirked. "My family will no doubt expect the same. I'm sure they will be so pleased that I have finally decided to marry that they wont mind the wait. That will give us time to figure out our next steps, since your situation is a bit more complicated than mine."

"Yes, I don't intend to marry you for real at the end of all of this," I made clear. "This is just a temporary solution."

Taehyung laughed at my serious tone. "I don't intend to marry you either. If I can get my family off my back, even for a short while, that's enough for me," he sighed heavily. "We can come up with a reason to call off the engagement when they start pressuring us too much."

"I am looking forward to doing business with you, Taehyung," I smiled, holding out my hand to shake.

He obliged and took my hand in his. "Looking forward to our engagement."

"This probably goes without saying, but don't get caught dating around," I warned. "My father is a very detailed man; I wouldn't put it past him to do some digging on you."

"Oh, I know how to be discreet," he winked. "From what I hear, you're the one we need to be worried about, since you're mixing business with pleasure..." A smug, humored smile played on his lips.

I shot a furious glance at Jimin, seated next to me, who instantly turned his head to avoid my gaze. Thanks, Jimin, I see you spared no details. "I'll be fine- I know how to play the game."

Tomorrow, when I met with Jungkook, I could tell him that I'd found a way to delay my marriage. I could tell him that we had a chance to figure out the feelings that we had between us, whatever those were. If he was as crazy as I was, maybe just maybe, he would go for the plan. If not, if he didn't want to risk, then I'd... Well, I don't what I'd do.

Part of me felt guilty even asking him to take a chance on me. What I was asking of him was truly insane. Let's date while I fake marry another man- by the way, nobody can know. Yep. That sounded insane. I wouldn't blame him if he rejected me. Nothing about this was normal. A life with me would never be.

I had to hope, despite it all, that he'd felt the same things when he kissed me. That absolute explosion of emotion. The feeling of never wanting to let go, never wanting to stop. I couldn't imagine being separated from him; I didn't want to. I would do whatever it took to make sure that didn't happen.

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