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Dazzling. It was the only word that came to mind as I watched the models walk down the runway decorated in our designer's artworks. I felt like a little kid, staring at them with stars in my eyes and my mouth hung open as I leaned forward in my seat. Still, I couldn't peel my eyes away, no matter how ridiculous I looked. I'd attended countless shows, but I never grew tired of seeing an artist's vision culminate into something tangible. I was hypnotized.

My back straightened after the next designer wrapped up their explanation of their collection. Jungkook was set to follow. The lights dimmed once again, and my heart drummed in my chest. I was probably even more anxious than he was. Since he'd refused to share anything about his pieces with me, I had no idea what was about to come down the runway. Of course, I knew it'd be brilliant. It was Jeon freaking Jungkook. It was just...the unknown. It was thrilling and terrifying all at the same time.

The first look to come walking down was a menswear piece. It was an all-black ensemble with harsh lines that gave off an unapproachable aura. The next look surprised me because of how opposite it was from the first. It was a whimsical and light dress. Playful. At first glance, the two pieces wouldn't even appear as though they came from the same collection. Even the model's styling was completely different. However, once the third look came out, I quickly caught on to the thing that tied them. The fabric. Even though the pieces gave off dissimilar feelings they all utilized the same black fabric in some manner.

As expected from Jungkook, the craftsmanship was impeccable, but I hadn't expected to be so drawn into his story. It was like all these conflicting emotions he was expressing through his work were cut from the same cloth. They were so utterly different but at the same time they weren't. The pieces flowed together seamlessly. They felt like one. One story. One vision.

After the final model retreated backstage, Jungkook appeared and made his way towards the front of the stage with a microphone. It was time for him to give his speech on the purpose of his collection and close out the show. At the sight of him, the audience exploded into cheers and applause. Maybe it was the way he stood there under the spotlights, or the pride I felt after watching his show, but just seeing him took my breath away. He was perfect.

"Good evening," Jungkook began, looking out into the crowed with confidence. "The theme of my collection is love. It was inspired by the woman I'm in love with, and all the different facets of her personality that make up who she is as a person."

I lifted my hand to my mouth as I stared at Jungkook in awe of what I was hearing. A rogue gasp escaped my throat. "What?"

"When I first met her, I judged her," he continued. "I thought she was just strict and unkind and that was it...but then, she kept showing me more sides of her. Her humor. He grief. Her perseverance. Her insecurity. Her passion." A smile crept onto his face, and he closed his eyes. "And I realized I loved all of them."

He stopped scanning the crowd and shifted his gaze straight to me. "I loved her in every moment and every version of herself. All of them were who she was and is." Jungkook then gave a deep bow and addressed the audience once more. "Thank you so much for letting me share my story. If I can leave you all with one thing tonight- it would be to love yourself. Each and every part. That's what I hope she can do, too."

His pieces represented...me? Tears pooled in the corners of my eyes as I held back the emotions ripping at my chest. I didn't know where to begin in thanking him. I just wanted to run and jump into his arms and scream at the top of my lungs how much I loved him. Perhaps, I could. No, I definitely would. Later. For now, I had to behave myself and try not to cry in front of this huge crowd.

This project had been a six-month long ordeal, and all this time he'd spent thinking of me? All this time while I was contemplating the actuality of my feelings, he was so sure of his own. I didn't know if I deserved that kind of love, to be honest. But I wanted it. And I would spend every day of the rest of my life proving myself worthy of that sort of love it if that's what it took.

I barely waited for Jungkook to turn his back on the audience before I was rushing to get backstage to his waiting room. Nothing was going to stop me. I dodged in and out of the way of staff hurriedly cleaning up and packing until I made it to my destination. Standing in front of the door to his waiting room with a small inkling of hesitation seated in the pit of my stomach, I forced myself to muster the courage to turn the knob.

"Jungkook," I let out breathily as I closed the door behind me. He was seated on a small couch in the room with a bouquet of flowers in his lap.

"There you are," he beamed and stood up. "These are for you."

He handed me the gorgeous bundle of pink, red, and purple flowers. I inhaled a deep breath, and their sweet scent enveloped my senses. "Shouldn't I be giving these to you, though?"

"No, that's okay," he chuckled, taking my other hand in his. "Did you enjoy the show?"

I was growing shy at his question- and the reality of what had just happened. "Yes, I did," I mumbled. "Did you mean everything?"

"Every word."

"So, all along?" I questioned, staring into his eyes. "All along, you've cared for me that much?"

"It was never a secret," he replied, rubbing his thumb against my palm. "I just wanted to give you the time and space you needed."

"I think I've had enough of that."

"Is that so?" he cocked his head to the side, but his bright smile never left his face.

I stepped up on my tippy toes, closed my eyes, and whispered against his lips. "Yes, I'm certain. You're my forever."

"And always," he replied and closed the remaining gap between us.

~The End~

Secretary Jeon [Jungkook x Reader]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang