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    The next day, other students were on vacation, and Zhou Xiu still carried her schoolbag to Yude Middle School to make up lessons early in the morning.

    Although it is not a full-day class, it is quite overwhelming to have five consecutive biology classes in the morning.

    The biology competition involves a wide range of knowledge, and it is seamlessly integrated with the biochemical content of the university. The students in the biology class were abused to the point of doubting their lives.

    Zhou Xiu flipped through the reference materials sent by the teacher, and it was full of sugar and protein chemical formulas, which made people mistakenly think that they had opened a chemistry book.

    Zhou Xiu's chemistry was pretty good, and the other students in the class were suspicious of life when they opened up the thick materials.

    In the morning experiment, the students in the class were asked by the teacher to slice by hand until they were proficient enough to cut out a layer of cell tissue.

    After Zhou Xiu completed the basic operations, he enthusiastically used the instrument to do the small experiments that he encountered when writing the questions.

    Xu Qing handed Zhou Xiu a brand new piece of gauze. "In the future, bring a few more pieces of gauze to the lab class. You don't need to wash it."

    Zhou Xiu threw his worn out piece of gauze into the trash can and started the experiment with the new gauze. .

    After school, Zhou Xiu went to the library to read books for an hour.

    After borrowing the book, Zhou Xiu saw a familiar figure as he passed the basketball court, and saw him slowly fall to the ground and stop moving.

    She came back to her senses, quickly dropped the book in her hand and ran over.


    In the morning, Tan Ming came to the school gymnasium early in the morning to participate in the training camp.

    After the training camp, the team members scattered around looking for food, talking about a person who went to the open field to play basketball.

    Banging, Tan Ming suddenly felt dizzy, and his heart felt a sharp pain.

    He slowly fell to the ground.

    Zhou Xiu patted Tan Ming's face, leaned down to detect his breath, "Tan Ming, Tan Ming, are you okay?"

    She slapped him on the shoulder, and he still didn't respond, so he checked his pulse.

    Zhou Xiu quickly took out her mobile phone and called 120.

    She calmly reported the address, and immediately called Xu Qing.

    Before the end of the biology competition class, Xu Qing and Zhou Xiu said that he would eat at the school, and now he should still be staying at the school.

    After the holiday, the school became deserted, and almost no one passed by the remote and spacious basketball court during the lunch break.

    Zhou Xiu called for help a few times and found that there was no one, so he put Tan Ming's head down to keep his trachea smooth.

    Xu Qing did not have time to leave the school. When he received Zhou Xiu's call, he and Xi Shaoyuan were eating in the school cafeteria.

    After receiving the call, the two boys didn't even bother to eat, and rushed to the basketball court.

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