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    Zhou Xiu finished the last set of questions in November, and is about to go to City B to participate in the National Mathematics Competition for Middle School Students.

    In the National Mathematics Winter Camp for Middle School Students, referred to as CMO, the top 60 players with the best scores will form a national training team. The competition entered the CMO, and the strongest students from all over the world gathered in the same field to compete. The difficulty was very high, and it was very difficult to win the gold medal.

    The disparity exists not only between strong and weak provinces in education, but also between members of a provincial team.

    Although Zhang Qi was lucky enough to win the provincial first prize in the league with Zhou Xiu's notes, he failed to enter the provincial team. Xu Haobo also failed in the selection of the provincial team. The provincial team has a total of 15 people, and the fourth middle school occupies 8. In Yude, only Zhou Xiu, Xi Shaoyuan and Xie Cheng entered the provincial team.

    Zhang Qi himself said that he didn't mind, he said with a haha: "I am very lucky to get the provincial one." The

    provincial team is where the gods fight. His dream of racing for many years. Xu Haobo expressed his satisfaction. He plans to stay in China to study, and the provincial first prize will allow him to get extra points in the independent enrollment of colleges and universities.

    Before departure, Yude gave the three students and a leading teacher first-class air tickets.

    After getting on the plane, Zhou Xiu found that it was first class, and the individual seats were very private and comfortable. Immediately, he took out the book from his schoolbag and read it in a race against time. Before the plane took off, Xi Shaoyuan came over and handed a glass of milk to Zhou Xiu, and told her the precautions given by Pharaoh.

    Xie Cheng found that Zhou Xiu was looking down at the book, "Still reading?"

    He lowered his head and looked closer, and found that Zhou Xiu was reading "The Lancet". He smiled, "Is Xiuxiu's English level so good now?"

    "The Lancet" was recommended by Dr. Liu. He found that Zhou Xiu was thirsty for knowledge, so he gave her a year's worth of journals. In addition to "The Lancet", Zhou Xiu is also reading other journals about tumors. Although it is ridiculous, she is really trying to understand Zhou Cheng's disease.

    It took a long time for Zhou Xiu to respond to Xie Cheng's question. She shook her phone and opened Google Translate smoothly to show him.

    Xie Cheng laughed dumbly.

    He watched Zhou Xiu quietly. He knew what happened to Zhou Xiu's father. He only saw Zhou Xiu lose his temper that day. At night, Zhou Xiu returned to the state of study. Others could hardly see her depression. Completed self-regulation, he admires her sincerely.

    Xi Shaoyuan watched Zhou Xiu finish drinking the milk before leaving.

    The first-class flight attendant liked to serve these three young and beautiful children. After a while, he asked Xi Shaoyuan and Xie Cheng if they wanted a blanket, and then changed Zhou Xiu's water-based pens to pencils. They made three trips just for food and beverage issues. If Zhou Xiu hadn't frowned and signaled that she needed to read quietly, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to stop their enthusiasm.

    The flight attendants rarely see such good-looking children. The three students are rare in appearance, especially the two boys. They are like natural clothes hangers, with wide shoulders and narrow waist, and slender and straight legs. There is a breath of youthful vitality.

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