CHAPTER 1-The Angel√

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It isn't everyday that my parents choose to acknowledge me. It doesn't happen often that they remember my birthday. Not often they say even a word or make the slightest sound for me. And when they do, it is alarming. It is important and it requires my complete attention.

Today was my birthday and they remembered. This was dangerous. I guess you could say that I prefer them ignoring me. Not remembering my birthday. So imagine my horror when my Butler, John, comes to my room early in the morning with news of my parents birthday present.

"What do you mean a 'present from your parents'? " John smirks at me, amusement in his eyes. As much as it surprised him, my reaction to it is amusing. I scowl at him.

"I mean what I mean, sir. They have...bought you a present...for your birthday." the way he says 'bought you a present' makes me nervous.

My parents are rich. They usually buy whatever they want whenever they want. I, however, have never found happiness in material things. I usually keep to myself. I like to think I'm practical. I sigh and run my hand through my dyed grey-black hair. I furrow my brows in question. I'm curious about their present but also slightly scared. The last time they bought me a present it had been an entire village. I gave it back of course and I was only 10 years old. I wasn't ready to be in control of a village they were insane to even suggest that.

"What is it?" I ask him skeptically and he fights back a smirk.

"A Neko ." I tilt my head to the left like I always do when I have absolutely no idea what someone is talking about or what they are seeing that I don't see. His lip twitches at the corner. Oh, he is loving my confusion. I'm not one who shows confusion, I usually always know what's going on and what people are talking about, not many terms are unknown to me. I'm a huge bookworm. I love reading and control, so it always frustrates me when something is out of my control, for instance my parents sudden memory of my birthday and their sudden need to buy me a present is disturbing to say the least.

"A... Neko?" I say slowly. My mind turns. Neko... Japanese. My brows furrow even more. Now I remember. A cat." Why would my parents...get me...a cat? " He raises his grey brow and smirks. Old man is enjoying this. He is driving me crazy with this.

"I don't know, sir." His green eyes are bright and I groan, he isn't going to tell me. The old man's mean. I'll get him back. Somehow.

"I don't want it then." I turn to my air plane model.

"Very well, sir." He turns the door knob and pauses." I'll send him on his way." my head snaps up at his deliberate emphasis.

"Wait!" the way he said him makes me curious. I turn in my chair and stand to my full 6'5 height. "What do you mean him? You say it like the is human."

"Did I now?" He says and tilts his head. "I don't recall." I roll my eyes.

"You can be so mean, John! " I growl and he chuckles warmly.

"And you can be very childish for your age, Jeremy." I pout which happens rarely with me. Trust me you'd never see me act this way in public. This behaviour is reserved for the people closest to me, the ones I trust, like John, the meanie here.

"Where is this present, then? " He smirks at me.

"I thought you didn't want it? " I stomp my foot. Okay, maybe I am childish. So what? I hardly had the chance to be a child growing up.

"John!" I whine. "Please! You know how I get when I'm curious and you've unleashed my curious monster." He looks at my grey eyes and sighs.

"Fine. Lets go." He turns and I turn. Suddenly I'm anxious and oddly excited,but mostly anxious.

We walk out of my bedroom into the hall. I live alone, well in terms of companions. I'm surrounded by helpers usually. My whole life I've spent my time around the servants at home, for me they were my best friends. Now I live in my own space, I think that's okay considering I'm already 24 well, 25 today. I took some of the ones at my parents place, the ones who basically raised me since my mother didn't have the time with her charity balls and gatherings and such.

I look at the portraits of people I don't even know, painted here but their beautiful, they're nice to look at. I have a thing for art as well, and working with my hands. I'm an architect, and I happen to deal in landscape as well as building houses. I love nature which is why I love landscaping. I still remember when I told my parents of my desire to be an architect. My mother felt that I didn't need to work, they had enough to take care of me and provide me with whatever I want. I, however, wanted more. I wanted to start from the bottom and work my way up.

John leads me down the stairs. I live in a two storey house. The ground floor has the living room and kitchen, then a hall follows which leads to a bathroom and the door to the basement where I keep my movies and...some other videos others shouldn't see. The top floor has three bedrooms and an office. I built my home myself, to fit me.

As we walk down stairs my excitement peeks. Goodness, I have problems. The living room comes into view. The couch is occupied by a young figure. I freeze. Wait a minute. Neko. Cat. What did my parents do? My eyes widened as all these insane thoughts filter through my head and John turns to me.

"Surprised? " I look at him and back to the boy. He's beautiful, even though I have yet to see his face, I know.

I rush down the stairs and freeze at the last one. His head in bowed and his ears, his cat ears are slumped down. Oh, my gods. What they they do?

I approach slowly. He doesn't move. I'm freaking out inside. Honestly, I am, but he is so beautiful, I am paralysed. His cat ears are a fluffy white and his hair is pitch black. His tail...yes, tail, is fluffy and bushy. He wears an over sized shirt that reached his middle thigh. His skin is pale, almost the colour of milk. An angel, that's what he reminds me of. He is skinny though.

He is beautiful. Half cat/half human. Does this even exist? Is it possible? I'm looking at it but still it's hard to believe. What did they do? Oh, my gods! What did those people I call parents do?

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