CHAPTER 2-Jer-emy√

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John stood by the stairs, unsure of what to do. I on the other hand have no clue what to say. I am confused. No, I am completely mortified. I can't seem to comprehend my situation. The beautiful boy sits completely still. His hands are flat on his thighs. I don't know what to do. Should I do something? I don't want to scare him though.

I blink, he is still there. How does this happen? Are there more of him? Does he have a family? Too many questions pop up in my head. I am getting a headache. Suddenly I feel angry, not towards the boy, of course, he did nothing wrong, towards my parents. How could they? No,that's dumb, why would they? Is more the question I should be asking.

I stash my anger away for now. I'll reserve it for them. I look at the angel, I can't help but ask.

"Are you breathing? " John snickers but I don't pay him any attention. I know not the best thing to say but, if you could see him now. Still as a statue, you'd ask the same question. His head lifts slowly and moves down. He nodded. I tilt my head.

"Yes, sir. " I'm taken aback, sir? As much as he has formally addressed me, which shocks me. His voice is what really got to me. It was so soft, barely an audible whisper. I love it. I'm surprised by the shiver which went through me. At least now I know he speaks.

"Um... " Now I feel awkward. I look at John and he smirks before walking backwards, slowly. I glare. He can't just leave me like this! What am I to do? I have no clue about socialising with a fellow hu... Well, a neko. I sigh and fall onto the couch. This is not happening.

The angel bits down on his bottom lip and my lower region stirs. What the..? I feel so inappropriate right now. I shake my head and scold my body mentally.

"What's your name? " I go for the first thing that pops into my mind. He looks up. His eyes are gorgeous. My breathe hitches. They are the deepest shape of purple with a golden- brown iris. He blinks and drops his head. Hey! Why did he do that? I talk too much to myself.

"Hey, what's wrong? I didn't mean to offend you. I'm sorry. " I manage to get out of my chair and kneel before him. He squeals. Shit, what I do now?

"No! Master, get up! You can't do that! Please, I'm sorry! Please stand up! " My eyes are wide as his eyes water and he struggles to pull me up. Master? Who calls anyone that outside of the bedroom? My cheeks flush. I stand as he pulls me and he falls to his knees. His shoulders are slumped and I hear him hiccough.

"Hey, stand up, please? "He freezes but doesn't look up. Slowly he rises. I'm so confused. What did my parents do to this beautiful boy. I won't get his name so I guess I'll try another time. I want to see his eyes though, they are something. I touch his chin. My breathe catches in my throat as the electric current is plain as day. He seems to feel it too as he jerks from my touch.

"I'm sorry, Master. " He whispers. He starts to pull his fingers nervously. He is so adorable.

"My name is Jeremy. Not Master. " I notice how his brows furrow and he bits his lip in thought.

"Jer-emy. " He says it softly. Reciting it. Adorable. He blinks and his eyes dart from left to right. "Not master? " He looks up at me and I nod giving him a small smile. His eyes water, what did I do?" You... You don't " My eyes widen.

"No, no. That's not what I meant. I mean you shouldn't call me Master, call me Jeremy. I'm your friend. " He seems to consider it.

"Why are you nice? "My brows furrow in confusion.

"You...want me to be mean? " I'm so confused and the fact that we're so close right now is not helping. He smells so good, like cherry and fresh chocolate chip cookies.

"They're always mean. " He bites his lip.

"Who? " He doesn't say anything. He looks down and I sigh. "Okay, you don't have to tell me. I understand, your not ready. I can give you time."

"Time? will wait...for me?" I nod down at him. He smiles timidly. Wow, he is breathtaking. He blushes and looks down. He toes the floor. Suddenly his stomach growls. I chuckle and he clutches his stomach.

"I'm sorry, sir, " He whimpers. I sigh as he drops to his knees. I pull him up.

"What did I tell you? " I ask softly. His cheeks flush bright pink and I could feel myself stir. "I'm sorry, Jeremy. " I smile. I love how my name sounds as it rolls of the top of his small tongue.

"Good, and no more kneeling. Okay? " He looks down cutely, his hair in his face. I could just eat him up. This is not me at all. This is completely knew.

"Okay." He agrees. He jumps and hugs me. My eyebrows rise. He hugs me before pulling back suddenly. "Sorry. " He blushes. I smile.

"It's okay. You can hug me when ever you want." I stare at him. His ears twitch and his tail trails behind him.

"Really? " I nod. He bites his lip. He looks at my wide covered chest before hugging me again. Slowly I wound my arms around him. He may be something unknown to man but I guess I can deal with his other side. He lets go of me and I take a while before snapping out of my daze.

"Food, right. " I say as his stomach grumbles. "Follow me." We walk towards the kitchen and I motion for him to have a seat. I may have people who cook and clean for me but that doesn't mean I don't know a thing or two.

This is going to be interesting, I think to myself as I watch him from the corner of my eye. He looks around the kitchen amazed. It isn't much be he seems to see it as something to gwak at.

I turn back to the stove of Mac and cheese. What can I say, it's my favourite, well, one of my favourite. Parents, I shouldn't forget to contact them. I will be giving them a piece of my mind.
They are in for an earful, let me tell you.

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