Chapter 7

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     There are stars in my eyes when I open them and my head is lolling backward, my hair brushing the floor. The room spins, lurches, and then rights itself, and only when he speaks do I take a breath.


     His face is swimming in bright spots of light that burst and dance around his silhouette.

     “Mmph…,” I say, but it is soft, barely audible, and not understandable. Cliff frowns as I sit up and lift my head, feeling faint and queasy.  Then I remember why I’m sitting on a dingy, dusty floor in poor lighting with three young men and a doe eyed brunette staring at me as though I’m alien.

     “I’m so sorry,” Cliff whispers, his lips brushing my forehead as he leans closer to me, but I shy away. He knits his brows together, his unruly hair falling over his eyes, but I just bite my lip and stand, wobbling toward the half lit neon EXIT sign to my left. I’ve got to go home. I need to get out of here.

     “Right then,” I hear one of the twins murmur as I stumble down the short staircase. I can hear him continue as I reach to push open the large metal door in front of me, stepping out into the cold night air. He’s still talking when it clicks closed behind me. How could they go on as though nothing had happened? I’d just passed out cold after saving their butts.

     “Insensitive,” I hiss, fumbling for my phone in my back pocket. I quickly dial Janet’s number, but she doesn’t answer, so I call Courtney. She’s quick to pick up.


     “Courtney, please come get me.”

     “Where are you?”

     Her voice gets more panic stricken now, so I explain my situation, and half an hour later I’m sitting in her grey SUV.

     “You’re sure you’re ok?”

     “Yes,” I mumble, wringing my hands. I’m sitting rigidly in the backseat, staring at my lap. Courtney grips the steering wheel so tightly that even in the darkness I can see her white knuckles. Her boyfriend Lane is here, as I figured he would be, his arm draped over the back of her seat and his fingers drumming on her headrest. He glances over his shoulder at me, moonlight reflecting on the rims of his round glasses. Then he turns and stares at Courtney, who has just stopped at a traffic light; they exchange a half worried, half blank stare, and they kiss.

     This is when I turn my head to stare out the window and frown.

     The next morning I wake up, makeup still caked on my face, Corinne’s clothes still sticking to my skin. It’s Saturday, when most almost 15 year olds would be with their friends; instead I am rolling out of bed, rubbing my head as it throbs, and after an hour of showering and slaving over my hair, walking out the door. With dad already long gone at work and Corinne most likely at her boyfriend’s house, I’m on my own as I walk down the sidewalk of my neighborhood. The sun streams through the trees that line the road, making swirly designs on the pavement; I can feel its warmth through the soles of my thin peach shoes. The birds sing at me, promising a beautiful day full of delight and opportunity- all I can focus on, however, is the pounding in my head and the bruise on my right hip from where I collapsed.

     When I finally reach the entrance to my subdivision, my mind has veered completely to nothing but Cliff Whitwell and his beautiful, star filled eyes. I can’t remember if my vague memory of his lips brushing my forehead really happened, or if I was hallucinating. I hope it happened.

     So, that means it probably didn’t.

     The bus stop is located promptly beside the flower covered WELCOME TO SHADY OAKS SUBDIVISION sign, where I stand with my arms crossed and right foot tapping a steady rhythm. I’ll take the bus to Carnation Children’s Hospital like I do every day of the summer, then sit behind the wrap around desk I share with Janet and the praying-mantis-lady. I’ll do my work, check in patients, and then sneak off to see Emme. I will do what I always do, and I will forget what happened last night. I can forget what happened last night.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2013 ⏰

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