07| Why can't he see me for once

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You know that gut wrenching moment where you can literally feel your heart drop to your stomach. As if it's vanishing.

You feel numb.

My mind is a blur as I open my eyes. They burn though the rest of my body feels as cold as ice. I raise my hand to brush against my forehead where his lips once were.

"I can see something in you, Arabella. With everything in me. But it's not enough, my beautiful and gorgeous amor."

That moment had given me so much false hope. It seemed like he was finally ready to choose me. He saw something in me. I guess he didn't truly see me in the end.

My feet were dangling in the sheets and I wanted to burst into tears right there and then. Though I hold them back, aggressively pulling the sheets off me needing to get out of his room as soon as possible. I wasn't going to fall apart in his room.

I can't stand straight, wobbling on my feet and no air makes it to my lungs. My hands shake furiously as tears continue to block my vision. I grip the door knob flying it open and feel a burst of a breath make it into my body.

I let out a relieved sigh, already feeling better to be out of his room. Yet still my heart continues to plummet further and further down my chest.

At just that second, Aria and Vivian whip their heads around from the staircase. They look behind me in realization. I just came out from Dominic's room. A grin makes its way onto their faces as they squeal making their way back up the stairs.

"Oh my god! Dominic just left his room a few seconds ago. Which means you and him-" Vivian's smile slowly begins to dissipate when she sees my head fall forward.

"Vivian." I cry out finally letting the tears burst from my eyes. Both girls are quick to my side, holding me steady.

"Oh babe. Come on. Let's go to my room." She drags me along with her as I try my best to silence my cries into her shoulder.

Aria let's go for a second to lock the door and I fall. I crumble down to the floor, sobbing into my hands. I can barely breathe through my cries as Vivian drops to her knees cocooning me close to her.

"Am I that repulsive, Vivian? Why can't he see me for once. There's always going to be someone else isn't there?" I question and there's tears in her eyes as she shakes her head.

"I'm being desperate aren't I, Aria? A sad and pathetic girl who has a crush on someone way out of their league." Aria crouches down to my level wiping my tears as her face hardens.

"No fucking way, Arabella. He's the sad and pathetic loser who's losing the only person who would ever look at him in the way that you do-"

"I loved him. I love him." I whisper curling into myself as my heart continues to splinter and crack in my chest. My head repeats his words and yet again my only thought is that I wish it was me he was talking about.

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