summer, part one

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[sorry if anybody comes off as too ooc (:

beginning bit belongs to naughty dog. i copied it straight from intro credits]

"The number of deaths has passed two hundred. The Governor has called a state of emergency..."

"There were hundreds and hundreds of bodies lining the streets..."

"Panic spread worldwide after a leaked report from the World Health Organization showed that the latest vaccination tests have failed."

"...with the bureaucrats out of power, we can finally take the necessary steps to..."

"Los Angeles is now the latest city to be placed under martial law."

"All residents are required to report to their designated quarantine—"

"Riots have continued for a third consecutive day, and winter rations are at an all time low."

"A group calling themselves the Fireflies have claimed responsibility for both attacks."

"Their public charter calls for the return of all branches of government."

"Demonstrations broke out following the execution of six more alleged Fireflies."

"You can still rise with us. Remember when you're lost in the darkness... look for the light. Believe in the Fireflies."


Twenty years later...

Tony's limbs feel heavier than normal. Even after stretching this morning, there's still a dull ache in his joints. He can't help but huff softly, rubbing one shoulder as he makes his way to Pepper's apartment. It helps the ache a little, but without Pepper helping him out, he'll have to deal with the soreness in the meantime.

There's arguments sounding out around him, a constant buzz of talking that feels familiar. It's not unusual to hear anymore. Nowadays, quiet means danger. It always makes his ears ring whenever it does happen. He doesn't like it anymore than the next person. Today, following an argument, the sound of a gun going off startles him a bit. It wasn't anything out of the norm, but around where he was, it wasn't a daily occurrence. People normally kept their disputes outside, and nobody dared waste bullets on petty arguments anymore.

Pepper's building came into view as he turns the corner. There's a couple kids playing out on the street in front of it. The ball they're kicking is rather deflated, and doesn't have much of a bounce, but they're still enjoying themselves. Tony smiles a little as he passes them, glad there's still hope sparkling in their eyes before reality catches up with them.

Pepper's already waiting for him when he gets up there. There's a shallow cut on her cheek that she's cleaning when he walks through the door, a small pile of ration cards sitting on the table in front of her.

"Thought you were going to wait for me before making the drop off," he comments, sliding into the other chair. He takes the rag from her and gently dabs at the wound.

"You overslept. I couldn't wait on you forever," Pepper replies. "Don't worry, though, the deal went off without a hitch. We've got enough to last us the next few months."

"Then what happened to your face?" Tony asks, raising an eyebrow in question. He leans back and tosses the used rag onto the table, the rag no longer wet enough to make much of a sound as it lands. Pepper gets up and heads into the small adjoined kitchen.

"Just... some stupid people that I ran into on my way back. I was meeting up with one of my intels when we got jumped." Pepper pours herself a glass of water from a jug she keeps in the fridge. She takes a sip before sighing and leaning against the counter. "Don't worry, my intel and I were the only ones to make it out."

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