summer, part two

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[i apologize in advance if bruce's characterization is a bit wonky. i always have a bit of difficulty writing him, so i hope he isn't too bad, lmao

bill's town is one of my favorite parts in the game, so this chapter was fun to write, hehe]

The trees surrounding them are stirring with the gentle wind that's blowing around them. Peter's curls are rustling as well, and it's a reminder that he likely needed to cut it soon. He tucks a loose piece of hair behind one ear and follows being Tony as the older male leads him to a nearby town.

Tony doesn't speak to him too much. Not since Pepper died. Granted, Tony didn't seem very willing to talk to him before, but it seems more prominent now. Peter can't help but wonder what's going through Tony's mind. He's, sadly, already aware on what Tony thinks about the whole situation in the museum. While Peter wasn't a direct cause for Pepper falling through the floor, he's the reason they were in there in the first place.

Running his hand along the guardrail, Peter follows absentmindedly behind Tony. Around them, the woods grow thicker the farther they move from Boston. Peter will be the first to admit he's not the best at guessing the passage of time based on the sun's movements, but a few hours have definitely passed. Unlike walking through Boston, they didn't have to climb over and through things to get to where they needed to be, ultimately slowing them down. Instead, it's a straight shot along the abandoned highway.

Every time they pass a road sign, Peter reads it, and tries to imagine the cities they mention. Since he's never left Boston, it's a bit hard to guess what they look like. Based on what he's been told growing up, only major cities got quarantine zones.

"There," Tony says suddenly, startling Peter a bit. He points to a town not too far away. "That's where he lives."

Peter follows as Tony jumps over the guardrail. It's a steep incline down into the waiting woods, but they manage not to slip. Once they're fully emerged in the trees, Peter can't help but grin. "I've never been in this."

Tony stops, turning around to look at Peter weirdly. "What? The woods?"

"Yeah." He stops himself and looks around. "It's so... beautiful. I've seen nature, obviously. Even the military can't stop it from growing in the zone. Hard as they try..."

Peter walks over to where a small cluster of purple flowers are growing. He gently runs his fingers over the soft petals, smiling as he does.

"I love reading up on books about everything in nature. My friend used to tease me all the time about it, but would always end up helping me find more books." He looks up at Tony with a grin. "I know what berries are safe to eat and what aren't."

"All the berries?" There's a teasing smile playing on Tony's lips, and Peter can't help how his grin spreads wider. "Seems a little far fetched, if you ask me."

Peter stands up straight and snorts. "Yeah, yeah. Well, I know quite a few. I know how to recognize them, at the very least."

"They taught you all the basics in school, right?" Tony jokes, earning an eye roll from Peter.

"Yes, they did. I know what bunnies are, and deer. And... all the other forest animals." They continue walking for a minute, Peter still taking everything in. "I've always wanted to explore what's outside the wall. I hate how strict the military is about entering and leaving. It's so boring."

Tony chuckles softly. "Yeah, I guess it is. Though, when you've been outside the zone as often as I have, the awe of it all isn't really there anymore."

"Was nature this abundant before the infection?" Peter asks. He can see them approaching the outside of the town now. He smiles as a bunny hops quickly across their path.

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