sugar baby (4)

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"Vinnie why don't you tell us your side first?" Aaliyah suggested as they all ate there food at the table.

"Oh, alright. Um, I want to start off by apologizing to you for not telling you Jordan, especially when I knew how you felt about her." Vinnie began.

"Don't worry about it bro, I understand why you were hesitant to say anything." Jordan answered.

Vinnie smiled softly before continuing to speak "Jordan was telling you the truth. I wasn't the one texting you the night we matched on the app. I was extremely nervous because you were so beautiful and I was brand new to using the app. When we met you, I knew there was something more to you than just being my sugar baby. I have never felt anything like the feeling I feel so deeply when I'm with you."

"Aww Vin." Aaliyah said softly, kissing his temple softly before letting him proceed speaking.

"I was set on telling you how I felt, I was gonna tell you the day we bought your car but Jordan had come to me the night before. He said he needed to talk and that's when he told me how he felt about you. I couldn't ruin that for him and I felt like if I would've told you that I would've been stealing his girl. From there I let my feelings for you keep growing and they finally revealed themselves once I saw that you'd been texting the guy, which you had the right to do because truth is, you are single." Vinnie said, gulping down nerves.

"I don't want it to seem as if I'm blaming anyone. It's my own fault and I'm sorry for being an asshole and yelling at you." Vinnie said, intertwining there hands together and rubbing her knuckles.

"I forgive you. It was just emotions that pent up over time, I get it." Aaliyah smiled, before turning to Jordan.

"Do you wanna say anything?" Aaliyah asked sweetly.

"No, just that I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner and that it lead to this." Jordan said.

"Don't worry about it J. Honestly, I think we need to figure out what we're gonna do from here on out. It's clear that neither of you want me as just a sugar baby anymore." Aaliyah said.

"We still wanna spoil you." Vinnie chimes in, receiving a nod of agreement from Jordan.

"Then we'll just be in a polyamorous relationship, Vinnie can be the dominant figure cause I'm not good at that and we'll spoil our girl." Jordan proposed, receiving more nods from both parties.

"So then? You're our girlfriend?" Vinnie asked.

"Yes, and you're my boyfriends!" Aaliyah chuckled.

She'd never guess her life would come down to this but she knew she loved both of them equally just as they loved her.

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