Chapter 25 (The Proposal)

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"Do you believe in that myth?" Fang asked.
"I don't know to be honest" I replied.
"We both are at the top" I exclaimed.

"Well since I pity you so much" He said making me confuse.
"What do you mea-" I was cut off when he kissed me.

His lips are soft.

I slowly and passionately kissed back.
This was different from the play. It was an actual kiss.

Fang took my first kiss.

After few seconds we broke the kiss and looked away. We both were way too flustered,we couldn't even look at each other.

"Your lips are dry af." He stated making me even more embarrassed.

(Stop reading and go drink some water.You need to stay hydrated :3)

"I was just kidding. " He said and I sighed in relief.

The ride ended and one by one everyone got off.

"Well that was it I guess. Thanks Fang, I actually enjoyed this date." I said and gave him a warm smile.
He just nodded with his head down.

Is something wrong?

"So I am going home then." I said in a bit lower voice and was about to leave when he suddenly grabbed my cheeks and gently pecked my lips.

"Y/N, I am pretty sure you read my confession letter and I just want to let you know that I really like you." He confessed.

"So I was right. That confession letter was from you!" I exclaimed.
"No it wasn't, mine was different from that letter you were reading." He replied.

"But it was the only letter on my table." I said confusingly.
"I wonder what happened to mine. Anyways, that doesn't matter anymore. So I just confessed aren't you going to say something?" He asked.

"Well.. I don't know. What do you want me to say huh?" I asked with a smirk.
"Stop teasing me!"

"Well Fang, even I was writing a confession letter for you but it turned out to be pretty cringe so I decided not to give you any letters. So yea, I like you too Fang." I confessed too.

"So what are we?" I asked.
"Are we dating then?" Fang asked.

We both laughed.

"So lets clear this all okay!" Fang said making me wonder what he meant by that.

"Wait here" He said and crossed the road. He was still visible tho.
He went inside a store and after few seconds he came outside with something in his hand which was not clearly visible.

He quickly crossed the road and stood infront of me. Then I looked at the thing in his hands. It was 2 icecream cones.

He knelt down on one knee and forwarded his left hand which had the butterscotch icecream.

"Y/F/N will you be my girlfriend?" He asked gently.
"YES!" I shouted happily.

He handed me the butterscotch icecream and kissed me.

I don't want this day to over.

Suddenly I heard clappings.
We quickly pulled out from the kiss and saw people cheering.

Fuck we are in public.

We both quickly ran away from there and entered an empty park. We quickly sat on a bench.

"Well that was embarrassing." I said and rested my head on his shoulder.
He softly patted my head.

"Its late now, I should go home." I said and he hummed.

"Lets stay like this for few minutes please." He said and gently hugged me.

We stayed like this for a while. Fang was hugging me while ruffling my hair.

I don't want this moment to end. Can't the time just stop!

"Its getting dark. I'll walk you home" He said and I nodded.
We both stood up and started walking towards my home.

We were peacefully eating our icecream. Even tho none of us were talking, it wasn't awkward like how it was with Boboiboy. We were happy with each other's presence.

"We are here" I said and glanced at my house.
"Thanks for walking me home."

"My pleasure, M'lady" He bowed making me chuckle.

"So that was it for today." I said and he nodded.

I don't want this.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow then." He said and chuckled.
He then came closer and gently held my cheeks.

"May I?"

"After kissing me 3 times, now you're asking for permission" I said and chuckled.

"Sorry about that. I won't ever kiss you without your permission cause consent matters." He replied.

I don't like Fang. I love Fang.

"You may Fang"

He gently kissed me and I kissed him back. After few seconds we both pulled back and he gently pecked my forehead.

"Good night, Dumbass"
"Good night, jerk"

A/N- I need a Fang in my life. (༎ຶ⌑༎ຶ)

Boboiboy and Fang are actually giving mafia daddy vibes🗿

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Boboiboy and Fang are actually giving mafia daddy vibes🗿

Cr- yukiredmix

Captain Kaizo will be coming soon in this story!!

Thank you so much for reading. Do vote if you liked it ☆~

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