|Chapter 21|

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I will put up when I change POV from Vic but when it's her's I won't say anything. This is an exemption; back to Victoria's POV!

I felt like I was floating. It was dark around me but I heard faint voices. I tried to open my eyes to see where I am but I couldn't.

Then, I heard beeping. I was in the hospital.

I remembered what happened and why I was in the hospital. Someone shot me. Fucking hell.

I tried to open my eyes again, but I couldn't. I tried to move my body, but I couldn't.

As I was trying and trying I slipped far more back in to my mind. All darknes and no beeping sounds. No voices. Nothing.

I tried and tried to get out of my mind. To do anything to say "i'm alive!" But I just couldn't.

I couldn't move, talk, see or speak. I was a statue in the dark room of nothing.

I tried to walk around that dark room. I could. I walked and walked but it was pointless.

It was endless darkness all around me. Then I saw something in the distance. I began running towards it.

When I ran near enough to see what it is I saw me and Xander. Suddenly three little figures ran towards us.

They looked like us. Our children. We were all smiling and laughing. I looked happy with them. We looked happy.

As I took a step forward the image began moving away. Every step I took forward the image moved away.

I began running towards it but it began slipping farther away. As I was about to caught up to it it disappeared. I was left standing in the darkness again.

My brain began playing tricks on me. Showing me images of the future I could have. Showing me how happy I could have been. My mind was mocking me.

I was somewhere in the hospital, in a coma brobably, and my mind decided to tell me "this is what you could have if you don't die here before!".

I hated it. Seeing what my and Xander's future could lookike if I wasn't here. I hated not being able to move, to talk, to see.

I hated knowing that if I died I would never experienced that future with him. With our kids. With everyone. I hated that I couldn't be there for Lisa when she gets married.

I hated that I won't be there to see Xan taking over his father's Mafia and being the best leader he would be. I hated that I won't be able to have kids. A home with them and Xan. A normal life. I hated it...

I tried again and again to get away from the darkness. I tried to scream but my voice came out in a whisper. Faintly heard whisper.

As I walked around I felt like I was walking in circles. Nothing to tell me where I was going. Nothing to tell me "you will wake up!". Nothing to tell me "come back!". Nothing.

Suddenly, I was falling. I was falling on my back through the darkness. I felt like floating.

As I began falling deeper and deeper I began feeling all of the pain I felt before. I finally felt something. I began feeling my voice coming back.

I fell deeper until I was suddenly jolted up. I sat up right and took a deep breath. My eyes looked frantically around my surroundings.

I was in our home clinic. The door burst open and in came our family doctor. He looked at me wide eyed before he ran towards me.

He pulled me back down to lay and began asking hundreds of questions. I didn't answer any of them. I was still trying to process that I was alive. I had a chance to live what my mind showed me.

He did thousands of tests on me before telling me to stay here and relax. I listened to him and closed my eyes.

I fell back into the darkness but this time I was sleeping for a few hours instead of years. I fell in the dream state. Dreaming about that same future I thought I would never see.

What felt like minutes was actually hours when I woke up again. I opened my eyes and saw Xander sitting in a chair by my bed, sleeping, while holding tightly on to my hand like I would disappear if he let go.

I saw Lisa sitting on the couch with Ros. She had her head on his shoulder while he had his head on top of hers while his arm was over her shoulders.

I smiled as I saw them again. I thought I wouldn't see them ever again. I'm glad I could. Life gave me another chance and said "use it well!". I plan on doing just that. I tapped Xan on his shoulder and he jolted up awake. His eyes scanned the room before falling on me.

I smiled at him but he stayed like a rock. His eyes were wide while looking at me. He looked at me in disbelief while I silently laughed at his expression.

He got out of whatever trance he was in and quickly hugged me. He hugged me right but still gentle because of all the tubes, wires and my wounds. I hugged him back.

Tears began dropping from my eyes as we hugged. I felt his shoulders shake as he began to cry with me.

After we pulled apart I was still having some tears running down my face as I looked at him. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"I thought I Iost you." He said to me in a whisper. I nodded my head and bit my lip to stop my sobs from escaping so I didn't wake Lisa and Ros.

" I did too." I said back. We just stared at each other for some time before I told him to lay down with me.

He laid by my side and wrapped his hands around me. Pulling me impossibly close to him. He nuzzled his nose in the crock of my neck while I wrapped my arms around him.

I fell back asleep with him by my side. We didn't even sleep for that long before we were woken up by a voice yelling at us. I shot up and looked around the room.

Xander fell of the bed as I shot up and now he's on the floor groaning and rubbing the back of his neck. I looked towards the door and saw the doctor standing there and glaring at Xan.

I looked at the couch, Lisa and Ros were just waking up. They sat up straight and first looked at the raging doctor before they looked towards Xan who is now standing by me.

Then their eyes fell on me. Their eyes lighted up and in seconds they were by me and hugging the life out of me.


Translation ~ |Get away from her she just woke up!|

I laughed so hard it started to hurt as the doctor yelled at them to give me space. After some more yelling they moved away from me and sat back in their seats.

Ros and Lisa on the couch while Xan sat on the chair by my bed. The doctor did some tests and checked to see how I was doing before he walked out again.

"I'm so glad you're ok. I was fucking terrified!" Lisa said as we talked. I gave her a sheepish smile in return. She rolled her eyes but I saw a smile breaking through her lips.

"I'm just glad you're alright Vic." Ros said. I nodded at him while still smiling. I felt Xan squeeze my hand which caused me to look at him.

I saw him already looking in to my eyes as I turned my head. I didn't have time to register what happened as he quickly leaned up and pecked my lips.

He leaned back in to his chair and looked as he didn't just cause my whole brain to stop working. I quickly snapped out of it and lightly hit his arm.

We continued talking and laughing with each other. I appreciated that life gave me another chance to live through these little moments like these.

Hey guys!
How did you all like the chapter?
Sorry for the short chapter.
Hope you all enjoyed.
Bye guys! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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