Chapter Thirty-Nine: Life Is Full of Decisions

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"I think he did it but I just can't prove it,
No, no body, no crime
But I ain't letting up until the day I die
No, No, I think he did it
No, no, he did it"

- Taylor Swift, "no body, no crime"

Chapter Thirty-Nine

A conference room was our destination. With unsettling dark humor, I thought of the other times I'd been in rooms just like it to discuss that case. Each time had followed or included a course-altering event, and each had also included a major decision on my part. The first time to stay, the second to leave—the third, I wasn't sure, but I was in a conference room again.

Did I have a decision to make this time?

I gratefully took a seat at the long table. It was much easier to seem composed when sitting versus standing. Reed didn't seem to have the same need to compose himself as he pulled out his phone. He looked as unmoving as a wall where he stood behind me, his eyebrows low and angry as he communicated with his teams.

Simon took a seat across from me, his wrist turning so his gaze could drop down to his watch. He looked thoughtful, a look I hadn't really seen on him before. At least, not that type of thoughtful. From what I'd seen of Simon, I'd never thought of him as thoughtful per se. But truly, Simon was rather unknown to me. Beck was warm and caring, Reed was precise and purposeful, but Simon didn't entirely fit in with any of those traits. Simon seemed bold and rash, mischievous and daring, unapologetic but guarded. Yet there was a refinement to those traits, one borne from his training at Greystone; it showed every move he made was planned. He was the one to push boundaries, but only after careful evaluation, and only after he narrowed on the weak spots. It was an interesting personality type; one that could cause rapid success or immediate downfall. Luckily, he seemed like he was achieving the former. I had a feeling he was extremely easy to like—but also extremely easy to resent. Success too often bred resentment as much as it did acclaim.

The door opened abruptly, startling me out of my quiet evaluation. I was surprised to see Beck; I remembered he'd said he was going to his office earlier. Simon looked up as well but he didn't seem nearly as surprised as I felt.

"Finally," Reed grumbled. Beck shot him an indignant look.

"I came down as soon as you asked! I haven't found anything new in the last thirty minutes, by the way, if that's what this is about. You could've just asked me on the phone, I didn't need to come all the way down here to tell you that."

"It's not that. We're regrouping," Reed said impatiently.

Beck's intrigue was immediate as he closed the door behind him. "You guys talked to Cawton already? Anything new? Where's Romano?"

"Romano is MIA, and Cawton wasn't forthcoming," Simon said with a shrug. "Luckily, his behavior sang like a canary."

Beck settled at the table, leaning forward to rest on his forearms with a frown. "I didn't see Romano in his office, where could he be?"

"Doesn't matter. We'll find him later," Reed said gruffly, dismissing the topic. "Right now, the focus is Cawton. We don't need Romano's permission."

Beck and Simon shared a look but offered no rebuttal. Instead, Simon sighed and took a longer and more critical look at his tense teammate.

"Sit down, Reed, you're not helping nerves," Simon reprimanded.

Nerves? Simon is nervous? He doesn't seem nervous.

Then I realized it wasn't his own nerves he was referencing; that time I didn't miss the sneaky glance he shot in my direction. His words and expression caught Reed's attention, too. I quickly looked away, ignoring the pointed looks as Simon silently communicated with Reed. I realized Beck was sneaking occasional looks as well, cautious concern increasingly prominent on his face.

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