chapter 2

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Baltimore Sewers system, 2017

Ronald has always been accustomed to the sewers. He had lived off of rats for a while in a weird phase in his 80's (dont ask). He had fond memories of hooking up with fellow, "leaning the other way" type clowns down here, but today, he was down here for a different reason than in his questionable past. He was down here to meet with his long friend and college, Maura. Maura, despite being six years old, was a promising young business woman, and Ronald wanted to help her achieve her goal of being queen of the world.

"Long time no see, Ronny," Maura says into the dark, startling Ronald with her high pitched, yet aggressive voice.

"S'posse so..." Ronald mumbles, more to himself than to his colleague.

"Lets get down to business, why are we here?" She questions, Ronald walks up to her, shaking her extended hand. He has to bend down to do so, considering she is a six year old and is, in fact, very short.

"I was hoping to talk about finally opening up this circus, Maura. It's been a dream of mine since I was a little lassie-"

"Lad" Maura corrects

"Dont assume my gender you little Irish-"

Maura starts Irish dancing away from Ronald, but Ronald runs to go stand in her way.

"Please Maura, I just need a few thousand dollars to rent the space. I'll have it paid back by the end of this year," Ronald begs, but Maura is adamant about keeping her mystery income to herself.

"I'll buy you a pet cow-"

"Deal" Maura agrees. 

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