💜Group chat (part 1)💙

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Nobody pov:
(In a group chat with everyone)

Supreme slut: Hey bitches and bros and non-binary hoes 🤠


Sleep, sex, repeat: Hahaha loserrrr

Supreme slut: IT WAS YOU.

Sleep, sex, repeat: nooo, I think it was shuichi 😁

Sleep, sex, repeat: he asked me earlier to give him admin so he could do something 😏

Supreme slut: GASP! SHUMAI?!?

Supreme slut: Fine, Miu give me admin right this fucking instant.

Sleep, sex, repeat gave Supreme slut admin

Supreme slut changed emo boy's name

I say fuck: ?

I say fuck: KOKICHI!

Supreme slut: HAHAHA

Sleep, sex, repeat: c'mon, you can do better than that. Likee maybe this

Sleep, sex, repeat changed I say fuck's name

I fucked oma: pls guys

Piano whore: Guys stop being mean to shuichi D:

Piano whore: >:0 MIU

Sleep, sex, repeat: Haha loser's

Supreme slut: I

Sleep, sex repeat: you what?

Supreme slut: Guys lets we play a game >:) @/Everyone

Hot maid: Oma, please only at everyone in emergency's.

Hot maid: ...

Hot maid: Iruma.

Sleep, sex, repeat: Eee!

Fuck tennis: I'm scared to see mine.

Fuck tennis: oh, it's not that bad. Thanks I guess.

Sleep, sex, repeat: 😋

Gentle-man: 🦗

Gentle-man: ? What that mean iruma-san?

Fuck tennis: ...Miu. I'm going to murder you just like I did the mafia-

Hot maid: IRUMA.

Supreme slut: heheh

Supreme slut changed I fucked oma's name

Bottom: please kokichi :(

Bottom: ..now this just isn't true.

Supreme slut: 😏

Lesbian sex: You guys better not have done anything to poor innocent himikos name!

Lesbian sex: oh.

Magical sex: nyeh..

Magical sex: tenkoo..


Magical sex: I'm not 10, I know what sex is.

Lesbian sex: I KNOW THAT HIMIKO, SORRY<3<3<3

Rope play: humanity is glistening today.

Rope play: oh..how did you know about that..

Bottom: I still have admin right, Miu?

Sleep, sex, repeat: yup 😏

Bottom changed Their name

Supreme slut: hmm? Your disobeying moi?

Supreme slut: >:[

not emo: better I guess.. but, kokichi what game?

Supreme slut: hohoho 😈

Sleep, sex, repeat: it's giving talking Ben vibes 💀

not emo: who's that?

Sleep, sex, repeat: 😨

Supreme slut: ANYWAYS WHORES, I wanna make a bet 😈

Sleep, sex, repeat: oh? What kind of bet? 😏

not emo: Yeah, kokichi. What kind of bet. :)

Supreme slut: 😨

Supreme slut: Uh a boys vs girls one..I got monokuma to hide something of mine and Mius, and whoever finds the other genders thing first wins

Sexy robot: 🤖

Supreme slut: I guess nb people- omigod me!! Anyways I guess they can choose what side they're on....I choose to be with the boys cause SHUMAI<333

Sexy robot: I would also like to be with the boys!

Hot maid: I would like to be with the females.

Atua freak: Me too!

not emo: um

Supreme slut: Ur on the boys side Shumai~~~~~~😋

Sex in space: Why wouldn't sidekick be on the boys side?

Supreme slut: really, shumai 🤨 am I the only one that knows

not emo: yeah..

Supreme slut: Omigod! I'm special 😈

Sex in space: Can we change our names back to normal? These sexual nicknames are getting weird.

Sleep, sex, repeat: Ugh fine.

Sleep, sex, repeat changed 16 names

Hottie: better?

Emo bitch: .

Emo bitch: .

Emo bitch: .

Emo bitch: Miu.

Riddle me this: I like my name 😁

Hottie: ngl I knew you would

Hottie changed Emo bitch's name

Bi emo: ..how'd you know

SHSL Lesbian: We all see the way you look at kokichi 😐

It's magggicc: mhm..

Space idiot: Shuichis straight, he would've told me and Maki-roll if he was bi!

Die: he kinda did tell us..

Bi emo: I did..

Riddle me this: Honestly, Kaitos more than an idiot. He's the SHSL Idiot!

Bi emo: heh

Space idiot: 🤬

Bi emo: sorry 😥

Hottie: anyways I'm in on the bet!

Until next time, who will win?

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