🌧️Shuichi x Anorexic!Kokichi🌧️

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[If you are struggling with Anorexia please go see a doctor or tell your parents if they don't know.]

Shuichi Pov:

I went to school to see my 3 friends, kaito, rantaro and kiibo, and my boyfriend, kokichi as usual but once I went to the place we usually meet up in the morning, only rantaro, kiibo and kaito were there..they looked upset.

"Hey guys, where's kokichi? And what's wrong you guys look sad?" I asked

"..you didn't hear?" Kaito looked at me

"Hear what? did something happen?"

"Kokichi was rushed to the hospital by his big brother. He found him passed out on his bedroom floor.." kiibo said, I felt something form inside of me, fear, regret, sadness.

"What hospital?!?" I yelled

"Only family and family friends are allowed to visit-" kaito was interrupted by me yelling again

"My family is VERY close to kokichis family. Now, WHAT HOSPITAL?!"

Rantaro looked at me, "***** *** ********, I'll drive you." He looked at kiibo and Kaito, "my family's also really close to kokichis. Tell the principal we're sick." We both ran out of the school and to Rantaro's car

[Once they got to the hospital]

3rd person pov:

Shuichi ran to the front desk and demanded the room number of kokichi.

she told them, rantaro and shuichi ran to the elevator and pushed the 3rd floor button. it took about a minute to get there since there was other people in the elevator as well, they ran out of the elevator once they got to the third floor

"301, 302...308! here, Saihara!" Shuichi was across the hall from Rantaro, checking the other doors for room 308, he ran into the room when he heard rantaro speak. Rantaro followed shuichi in the room

nobody was in there, kokichi was alone. kokichi didn't like to be alone.

"Kokichi!!" Shuichi slowed down when getting closer to kokichi

"saihara-chan? amami-chan? what're you doing here?" Kokichi sat up slowly

"We heard you starved yourself... koki, you nearly died.."

Kokichi frowned, "nearly.." he whispered to himself.

"what?" Rantaro looked at kokichi's eyes

Kokichi looked at Shuichi, then out the window, "Nothing."

Shuichi grabbed kokichis hand, "Are you okay now? are you feeling better? do you need anything-"

The doctor walked in with a notepad, "Oh, I didn't realize you would have visitors. I'll come back later." he closed the door and walked away

Shuichi looked into kokichis eyes, they were filled with pain and guilt, "ko..look at me."

kokichi turned his head to face shuichi, "mhm..?"

"You don't have to be guilty. You were in pain." Shuichi smiled at kokichi

kokichi teared up, "no..I do have to be guilty..I messed up everyone's day." 

Shuichi touched kokichis cheek lightly, "Your parents were here earlier, weren't they?"

kokichi nodded, Shuichi sighed, Rantaro smiled at the two of them and left the room, leaving the door open. He came back after a minute with food, he put it on a tray on kokichi's bed.

Kokichi looked at Rantaro, smiled slightly and ate one spoon full of food

"Im so proud of you, kokichi." Shuichi kissed kokichis cheek

A blonde girl walked in the room, "Oh" It was miu. Miu and kokichi were good friends, although they act like they hate eachother, "hey.."

"what're you doing here, slut?" Kokichi giggled

"Oh nothing, just smelt a rotting oder and wanted to see where it was coming from. Smelt it from school" Miu smiled slightly

"we'll leave, iruma, you have probably been waiting to see him for a bit, hm?" Rantaro looked at Miu

She nodded, Rantaro walked out of the room, Shuichi followed behind him after giving kokichi a kiss.

"How long do you think kokichi's going to be in the hospital?" Shuichi looked at Rantaro

"Maybe another day or two..He did try to ki// hlms3lf though, so I don't know. they might put him in a safety ward.." 

"I don't want him to go." shuichi cried


If you are struggling with a mental health disorder, Depression, Eating disorder, ect.. Please do reach out for help. and Im sorry for the sudden sad chapter. Canada Suicide Prevention Service: 1-833-456-4566 | You are not alone.

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