Spooky Castle Roller Coaster

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In front of the spooky castle, Sarah wasn't so happy about it

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In front of the spooky castle, Sarah wasn't so happy about it. "No way." Sarah said after seeing the spooky castle. 

"Sarah!" Daphne’s arms were crossed and stated. 

"Na ah, Scoob and I don’t do castles." Sarah explained. 

"Why not?" Daphne asked. 

"Because castles have paintings that watch you, suits of armor you think is a statue... ...but there’s a guy inside who follows you every time you turn around." Sarah said, as Scooby was acting everything out behind his best friend. 

"Definitely, how many times did that happen?" Daphne asked.

"Twelve. We’re not gonna do it." Sarah answered. 

"That’s right." Scooby said, as Sarah and himself were trying to walk away. Daphne was looking through her bag and found a Scooby Snack. "Scooby?" Daphne calls and Scooby limps over to the girl. "Did you hurt your paw? Would you do it for a Scooby Snack?" Daphne was holding a Scooby Snack towards the dog and immediately Scooby's Behavior change to extreme happiness. "Oh, boy!" 

"And you’ll be fearless?" Daphne said, fiercely. 

"Fearless?" Scooby said, as he did Karate moves but ended up kicking Sarah in the face.

"Oww! Hong Kong Phooey, watch the fists of fury." Sarah said. 

"Here you go." Daphne throw the Scooby snack and Scooby caught it in his mouth. 

"Thank you."

"There’s plenty more where that came from. Let’s go before someone sees." Daphne says, heading up the stairs and Daphne stood next to her and the girl looked at Sarah who’s not moving. 

"You’re not gonna stay out here alone, are you?" Daphne asked. 

"No, thank you." Sarah insisted and went inside the castle with Scooby and the girls.

They got into the castle and they looked around and the door closed behind them. 

"This place is, like, uber creepy." Sarah said and Scooby agrees. 

"The only thing missing is a mindless zombie." Daphne said. 

Suddenly the door opens revealing Fred scaring Scooby, Sarah and Daphne a bit it made Sarah jump in her dog's arms but then Sarah got out of his arms. 

"Fred, get back. I found this place. I call dibs on its clues." Daphne said. 

"I’ve already found some clues." Fred said, upsetting Daphne.

"What?" Daphne softly replies, definitely upset her.

"I followed some weird footprints here. It might be dangerous for you." Fred said, looking at Daphne.

"If anyone messes with me, I'll open a can of Chinese whoop-ass on them." Daphne said, as a creepy prop moves behind Daphne and puts a hand on her shoulder, scaring the shit out of Daphne and Sarah. It was Velma!! Who was laughing.

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