chapter one

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I remember sitting alone near a window in the back of the classroom..we had 3 classrooms in the group home and this one was usually empty during the days.

I was drawing small hearts on my legs, I never really liked my legs they reminded me of my mother , when I was born she put her cigarettes out on my leg and I still have the marks , guess you see why I'm in a group home now huh?

I haven't seen my mother in so long
Last I heard she ran away to Atlanta with some guy and she's back on drugs no surprise there she's never gonna change not even for me

It's Saturday 4:35pm and I haven't seen any other kids in the school dorm so I walked to find Mrs grace she's the one in charge of us , I finally see her sitting against a wall and I go to tap her she turns toward me with a frown
"Yes noah?"

I'm hungry I say as I look at my feet I never really liked telling someone these things.
She got up and grabbed a bag and gave me a orange as I smiled and walked away and went to sit under a tree with the orange and started to peel it

I'm tired of this place though I want to go Into the real-world I never leave this place I finished my orange and got up and dusted myself off and started to jog inside I'm hot and tired I went to take a shower I undressed and got in I always loved the feeling of the cold water on my face and I never wanted to get out as I finished washing my hair I felt a presence as I jumped to see Lilith laughing at me , I screamed for her to leave and she did I slid down the wall of the shower as hot tears ran down my face.
That's when I decided enough is enough and I'm leaving this hell of a place tonight.

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