Odin is back

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After a long day, all Odin wanted to do was get a bit buzzed and watch some static tv at a bar. Upon arriving at the bar the entrance door was locked yet the open sign was on. He heard the screaming of a female inside telling someone to get off her. Odin sighed and turned the handle of the door till the lock snapped. He pushed the door open and walked inside and looked around. To his left was the bar with an old jukebox next to it snuggled in a small corner. To his right were two poorly lit pool tables, on the furthest pool table were three guys trying to remove the clothes off of the bartender. She looked over at Odin in more shock than the current situation she found herself in. The reasoning was that Odin was mostly naked except for torn pants that seemed to have been in a meat shredder. Covered from head to top in dried blood. Not his, of course, he had long brown hair being held out of his face with a black band. His tired dark eyes looked at the situation. The guys looked up towards Odin and let the girl go. The girl quickly got some distance from both the guys attempting to rape her and Odin. The guys looked at Odin in anger and fear, one of them would break the silence and say "I thought you locked the door?" One would reply "I DID, I swear!" In a panicked voice. Odin sighed and said "he did but I broke the door because I wanted a drink and to relax. So if you don't mind leaving this bar and turning your selfies in then I won't have to hurt you a few inches from death." The one that hasn't yet spoken would say "that's mighty talk, you look scared but there are three of us. What say we don't just kill you, have her fun with the girl and leave." Odin did not move or give any other emotion than an annoyance. He took a deep breath and wiped his face of the dried blood and said "whatever you say. I'm going to sit down at this bar and you make a choice." He walked over to the bar turned his back to the guy and sat down without a care. Of course, the guys with only two brain cells chose wrong and tried to attack him.

One guy pulled out a switchblade, another grabbed a pool stick and the last grabbed a chair. The first to try and hit Odin had the chair. But Odin could see everything in the mirror behind the bar. He quickly turned around and grabbed one of the legs of the chair and yanked it towards him matching the guy's attack but allowing him to dodge it and pushing the stool part into the attacker's face knocking him backward. This is when the second guy rushed it with the switchblade and tried to stab In The chest from his right. Odin would use the stool legs and jam the guy's arm in between them and twist the stool, breaking the guy's arm and forcing him to drop the knife. This is finally when the last guy came in with the pool stick. Odin pulled the stool, making the guy move into the swing of the other guy. Splinters of the stick filled the air around Odin and the guy he had on the stool. Odin then pushed the guy with the broken arm into the one that had the pool stick. Both went to the ground, unfortunately, the first guy had pulled out a gun and put it against Odin's right side of his head. Odin held up his hands and smiled as he said "you brought a gun but tried to hit me with a stool?" The man pushed the barrel of the gun into Odin's head and said "you fucking shit head, I have a gun against your head and you're trying to be funny." This is when a boom of a gun echoed throughout the bar. Odin turned to his left and saw the bartender had a rifle in her hand as she shakey aimed it towards Odin. Odin then turned to his right and saw the man was grabbing his chest and fell backward as he fired his gun, almost shooting Odin. One of the guys dashed off the floor and towards the girl. Odin quickly went to his knee grabbing the switchblade off the ground and blindly throwing it into the back of the guy's skull. He went crashing to the floor as his body twitched. Odin looked for the last guy with the broken arm but he had run out of the bar's door. Odin looked at the bartender, seeing she was a bit in shock as well as getting a good look at her condition, most of her clothing was either missing or torn. Most of her skin was showing but oddly her pants seemed to be entirely untouched. He snapped out of his stare when he heard the sound of the rifle hitting the hardwood floor of the bar. Odin huffed and sat down at the bar and said "pretty good shot for someone that never killed a person." Odin was facing the mirror as he watched the girl quickly run around the bar and grab a phone and started to call someone. Odin sighed and said " the police are all dead." with the calmest tone. The bartender shot her eyes up from the phone and said "di....did you kill them?" Odin chuckled and said "no, my sister had all the fun while I was behind metal bars. The police picked me up off the road and put me in a holding cell after they found a few bodies with missing heads in the truck I was driving. Little did they know my sister had her pets hunt me down after I killed a few of them. You know how siblings are, it's a bit hard to explain but honestly, I could go for that drink now.'' The bartender didn't hesitate before grabbing a glass and pouring whiskey into it and handing it to Odin. he smirked and said "now that is some quick serves." he slowly picked up the glass and held it to the air and swirled the brown liquid in the glass. He leaned the glass towards his mouth to take a sip but stopped and said "oh, sorry for my manners you may need this more than me." he then placed the glass on the bar and gently slid the glass towards the bartender. Which oddly got a weird reaction from the girl. She quickly said "oh, um .... I would but my hero should have the first drink. You did after all save my life." he nod and looked at the body at his feet with the gunshot wound and said "true, the hero deserves the drink. That's why you should have it because I am still breathing. Well go ahead and take it, hero." the bartender grabbed the drink and threw it across the room, and yelled "GOD DAMNIT!" suddenly her form changes and reveals not to be a human but instead some kind of wendigo hybrid. Two antlers rooting from her head, elf ears, and glowing amber eyes were a few things that made sure she didn't look human. She wore some kind of native American Indian trivial clothing with long brown going down her back. She gave Odin a seriously hateful look and yelled "HOW THE HELL DID YOU KNOW IT WAS ME!" Odin shrugged and said "made the fact your pants are untouched when three guys tried to rape you, that be the first place they start, second a bartender that has a rifle in her bar. Third, you seemed way too eager to give me a drink after I explained all the cops in this place are dead and you killed someone, the last thing is I saw the bodies at my feet take in a breath." this is about the time the two dead humans got off the ground and one says "I'm sorry I tried not to but he was talking too much." Odin's sister stomped her foot and said "I knew this plan was dumb from the start, why are you here anyway. Aren't you busy being hunted and killed by the rest of our family?"

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