I have a special smell

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I like to say I'm not one of those girls that simply pushes all good mates away and makes posts saying that all that I meet are gold diggers or whatever. I have a taste for danger and I'm not talking about bad boys or bad girls. Oh that would be too simple, I actually have a bit of a disorder called "death wish". Which leads me towards dating monsters. It's not like I go out looking for them all the time but I do have a habit of getting in a situation that should have cost my life but I somehow make it out alive. 

Let's start with when I was 19 and dated my first monster. I just moved out and traveled the country to Texas where I was planning to spend multiple years with my grandparents as I went to college there. My grandparents had moved down to Texas a few years ago and they decided to run a farm of cattle. Of course me being in somewhat of the southern states I knew a thing about living on a farm. So I was not a total stranger to a farm but the Texas heat was another thing. My grandma picked me up from the airport. We traded hugs and smiles, the drive to the farm was nothing abnormal. My grandma and I had a chit -chat about life, nothing too important to note. Once arriving at the farm house I saw grandpa and a boy about my age unpacking an old pickup truck. My grandpa was standing using a pitchfork to push hay off the truck into a pile for the boy to put it into a wheel barrel. I curiously asked grandma about the boy and in her words she said "oh, he is a kid of the neighbors that comes and helps us from time to time and we pay him for the help. Once pulling up to the house grandpa slowly got out of the back of the pickup and made his way to me and gave me a big ol hug and said "my little girl is all grown up. I'm glad you're still growing. Last time I saw you was ya high." He held his hand extended down near the bottom of his stomach. I chuckled but I couldn't help but watch the boy as he carried the hat into the barn. This is when grandma said "I'm sure your starving let me get supper ready while you go take a shower and get into something more comfortable."and gave a smile as I followed them inside as grandpa showed me how the shower works and what room I was going to sleep in. 

He went back outside as i went to the bathroom in the hallway and took a semi long shower using rather hot water. While in there I felt like someone was watching me. It got to the point i cut my shower short and got out. I dried off and wrapped my body tightly before stepping out of the shower with my right hand holding the towel to my body and the left holding my dirty clothes. I quickly found my face inches from a well chiseled chest. The boy from earlier was shirtless and covered in sweat. His well built muscles having a nice dark caramel tan to them. I looked up at his face as he was much taller than me. He smiled as he ran his hand through his long black hair as I looked into his blue eyes. I simply stared at his god like body, this guy was clearly a model for sure. I nervously stepped to the side of him and went into the bedroom I was staying in. I closed the door, putting my back against it as I gasped for air. I unknowingly held my breath for the entire encounter. My heart pounded like I had done something bad and almost got caught. I have seen boy built like him before but he had something special about him. Something that made me feel like I was in a god's present. I found some clothes playing out on my bed but they were rather tight. See my body is rather thicc so I tend to wear a few sizes bigger than what I am. The clothes was a regular shirt with high cut shorts. Expect the shorts was riding up my leg which made me have to adjust them so often. The shirt was well tight and didn't really leave anything to imagination. For my feet was of course boots and unlike the rest of my clothes they fit me rather nicely. Once fully dressed I exited the bedroom and looked around for the boy but I luckily didn't see him. I made my way to the kitchen to see my grandma stirring a pot on the stove. She looked at me and said "I see I believe I might have to get you a bigger size. Sorry about that hun. Do you mind getting your grandpa and the boy to come in to eat, food is almost done." I nodded and made my way outside as I exited into the blazing heat. I adjusted my shirts to pull them down as they tried to slip into me. I looked around and saw the truck they were unloading was empty. 

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