Chapter 29: Day XIV (Indecision)

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Washington, DC

Le Café du Quartier

December 31st, 2015

1245 hours



The rest of the trip was relatively uneventful. The Hales were bonding well (with Catherine and Alexander apparently getting engaged), Mike and Zoe were bantering more than ever, and Chip and Jawa were... well, Chip and Jawa.

At least, it was uneventful up to New Year's Eve.

After exchanging gifts on Christmas, Erica and I were in an awkward position. Neither of us were making a move, stepping forwards or backwards. I still liked her, but I wasn't sure what to do.

Throughout the time I'd known her (post-Washington Monument, in particular), she sent mixed signals: one moment she liked me, the next she didn't even acknowledge my existence, and so on. Hell, it seemed as if right at the end of every op, she went right back to ignoring me until the next threat showed up. Her mind was more confusing than a nuclear bomb!

And I can't believe I can even say that!

But, after much deliberation, a decision was finally reached, with the hopes of settling the matter. Yesterday, I managed to ask Erica to... well, "meet up for coffee." Somehow, she said yes, though I could register both shock and nervousness in her reply.

I ended up going without her, since Catherine pulled her aside for whatever reason, but because of Alexander's buddy system rule, Chip and Jawa came along. They really liked the cocoa and pastries of Le Café du Quartier.

"Lighten up, Ben! You'll be fine!" Jawa reassured me as we completed our order and sat down. "She'll be here in another fifteen minutes, and you two have your thing!"

"That's just it, Jawa. I don't know what we're doing," I shot back, tapping the table anxiously.

"Well, hate to break it to you, but you gotta face the problem head-on. Speed, surprise, and violence of action," Chip said with a shrug, with Jawa subsequently elbowing him.

"Dude, this is a date, not a firefight!"

"Okay, leave that last bit out. But doggone it, I can't help you with regards to females! I barely understand 'em myself!"

"Yeah, well—"

"You're in no position to give him advice! You've never been on a date either!"

"Fine, fine! Yes, neither of us have been on dates, thank you. But we both understand meeting etiquette."

"Well, when you put it like that... Sit up straight—" the North Carolinian advised.

"Eye contact is good—" the Californian added.

"Firm handshake—"

"But don't be like this meathead and try to break that hand—"

"Hey, it was an accident—"

"Bullcrap. Anyways, compliments are good—"

"Know when to speak, but also know when to shut up and listen—"

"Guys, guys!" I interrupted, cutting off their somewhat-helpful barrage of information. "I appreciate it, but I'm just gonna talk, and we'll try to figure this out."

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