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[fades into a dark room, where a projector is displaying a man's graduation photo]

Alexander (O.S.): Meet Rasel Nasry. Michigan native, masters in electrical engineering... and according to JSOC, now member of an ISIL cell here on American soil.

[slide changes, showing surveillance photos of four different men and a map]

Cyrus (O.S.): The Bureau's been in the loop for the past six months, and it was confirmed four hours ago that the cell here is planning an attack. Warrants have been made out for Khan and four other men: "Jay," "Sam," "Michael," and "Omar."

Alexander (O.S.): Given the laws of the land, we shouldn't be on this op, but the brass have spoken. As such, we've been temporarily transferred to the control of the FBI for Operation Steel Tiger. Special Agent Hansen will be the man in charge.

[slide changes, showing an annotated map]

Hansen (O.S.): The ISIL cell is in an abandoned storage facility in northeast Virginia. It's in a secluded area in the woods. Virginia State Police will cordon off the surrounding area, while tactical teams from FBI SWAT and the Marshals' SOG will handle the facility.

[fades out, then fades into a forest, in the perspective of one of the operators as a tactical team breaks through the treeline and stacks up on a door]

Hansen (V.O.): The western, southern, eastern, and northern buildings will be respectively assaulted by Alpha through Delta. Echo through Hotel will set up blocking and sniper positions. Split yourselves among the assault and sniper teams however you wish, and I'll be in the TOC coordinating everything. This is a capture mission, but you may apply lethal force as needed.

Federal Agent 1 (via radio): Delta is set.

Hansen (via radio): Roger, stand by to execute on my command... three, two, one, execute!

[the team breaches the door and charges in, shouting that they are federal agents, with gunfire erupting before the camera suddenly cuts to black]

Hansen (via radio): All stations, Delta is not responding. Does anyone have eyes on?

[fades into forest, where several agents are searching an area with dogs and flashlights. Suddenly, one of the dogs starts barking]

Federal Agent (via radio): TOC, this is Hotel. We have a KIA. ID to follow...

[fades to black; then cuts to graveyard with a thunderclap, where no more than twenty people in black attire stand in the rain under umbrellas, mourning]

Catherine (V.O.): What happened, Chip? What are you not telling me?

Chip (V.O.): I'm sorry... all I know is that he's gone. KIA.

Catherine (V.O.): No...

[slowly fades to black as the funeral proceeds]

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