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After couple of days flew the summertime was coming to an end, today was the day I had to leave Outer banks.

Ward and Rose were already home, so me with my family went one last time by the Cameron's to salute them, my parents hugged Ward and Rose, I did too "thank you for everything" Ward tanked us. "you're welcome" My father said, I hugged Sarah. "I'm gonna miss you so much." she said with tears in her eyes. "Me too" I responded crying, JJ hugged her too and they told eachother they love so much, when I hugged rafe i saw him sad and with tears too, "don't look at me like that." He said, because he knows he's gonna breakdown and that hurted me, but he could, he immediately hugged me and broke down. "i can't let you go.". he said with a deep voice. I had no words."now that you have a bracelet with my first letter, you'll think of me." he said smiling, "yeah" i smiled back with tears in my eyes, "We're going to facetime eachother everyday right?" he said, "yes." I said sadly, "take care of you, baby" he said and kissed my forehead, "i will" i said and i hugged him one more time.

Me and my family drove to the airport and on the plane i was thinking about how much fun I had this summer and that I got a boyfriend, and, that it was sad leaving them all, i know Rafe and Sarah are going to be so sad, that I can't be with them anymore and that they have to wait one, two years to se end again.
One month passed, School already started again and
I missed Outer Banks so much and the beautiful summertime there, the weather started being colder in Italy, when i went home there was something in my bed. 'By Rafe Cameron, for Y/n Maybank.' was written on a little paper it was a Bouquet of roses with a letter, i opened it and started reading:

Dear Y/n,
I hope you're feeling well and that you're doing well at school, I wanted to write this letter because I miss you so much and, Outer banks is not Outer banks without you, I've spent the best Summer in my life with you Y'N, I finally have a true girlfriend that has always has my back and loves me for real, I wanted to thank you for everything, and to tell you that I will visit you in three weeks, yes you should wait that long, but don't worry time flies fast.
I love you so much and I always will you're so special to me and, I'll miss our bedtime...and especially having you in my arms. I miss you, please answer me back if you have time.
Best regards, Rafe Cameron.

I cried reading that letter he's so cute, I'm happy he's going to come here in Italy to visit me.


three weeks flew, I opened the door and Rafe was there, I gaspe. "Rafe!" I said excitedly. He hugged me and kissed m. "I missed you so much" he said and held eyecontact with me, my mother had to interrupt us, "Rafe Cameron! You're welcome! How are you?" She talked to him, "I'm great!" he responded and pulled me closer to him, I giggled. "Common, I'll show you my room" I said and winked at him knowing that i wanted to actually kiss him everywhere right now after a long time passed away, "yeah" he answers, him understanding what i actually meant.

We went upstairs, "wow you have a beautif-","shut up" I interrupted and closed the door with the key, I pushed him into the bed and kissed him. "I missed you so much" i said. he turned me around so that he was on top of me kissing me. "I missed you too love." he said, I took his shirt off and and unbelt his belt he smirked, "I forgot how naughty you were, damn." he whispered in my ear, So he took my shirt off and my pants and he pulled his dick and pushed it into me, I gasped at the size I forgot to remember that his dick was huge "you forgot the length huh, imma make you remember it." He said looking at me, he pounted into me and I couldn't help it but moan, he used his hand to cover my mouth. "you don't want anyone to hear us right, baby?" he asked with his hot breath on my neck, he went back and forth faster his head fell looking up, "you always feel so good." he moaned and looked down at me again, he grabbed my neck, I couldn't hold it anymore, "Baby" I moaned "I'm going to-" I moaned "do it baby" he moaned. So I did I cummed on his dick, he felt the warm liquid and he moaned "oh babyy" he moaned loud this time.

"Everything okay upstairs?" My mom asked from downstairs "yeah everything's fine Mom" I shouted, "couldn't be better." I whispered, he smirked and went faster back and forth. "godd you're so hot' he said, I turned him around so that I was on top of him and I moved my body on his dick in circles my hands resting on his shoulders, he was enjoying it, he grabbed my waist and moved it back and forth faster, "Rafeee" I moaned, we were both having the best sex in our life. "Jump on me" he said, so I did I jumped on his dick fast, his head was on the pillow and he was looking at me "gosh I love this view" he moaned and held my waist. "faster, baby, faster." he said, so I did the bed was moving now, "shittt" I moaned, I was seeing stars, I think we both did, "Shit babyyy" he moaned "I need to- cum" he said, so I stopped, "NO, don't stop." he said and I laughed, "don't escape everytime, naughty girl." he smirked and grabbed me, he put me on that position again, "I'm going to finish you now." He said "mkay" I said, "I have a rubber nothing will happen, babe." he said, so he cummed all over me."ohhh myyy gawdd Rafeee" i moaned. I fell to the other side of the bed without any air in my throat, "that, was the best sex we ever had" i said, "yeah" he agreed.

Couple of days flew, I felt really weird I was having severe abdominal pain the whole day, so I went to the apotheke and bought a pregnancy test, just to make sure, I was home alone I went to the bathroom and tried it, i was waiting for the result, after five minutes it was positive, i had a panic attack how do i tell my parents and Rafe, i called first Rafe immediately, "Hey" i said and tried to not sound emotional, "hey baby" he said happily, "how you doing?" he asked me, "uh, yeah, well." I said but i wasn't well at all, "how was the- the journey?" I asked him shaking, "yeah pretty good, are you okay baby you sound a little emotional?" He asked me, "we need to talk, Rafe" i said. "I'm free right now so, it's perfect now." he responded, "I went to the Apotheke today evening and, i bought a pregnancy test..." i said, i couldn't go on cause i broke down in silence, "yeah, babe you still there?" He checked on me, "It's positive, Rafe." i cried, he went silence for a sec "babe?" I asked cause I heard a fist on the table, "it's okay uhm i- uh-" he was panicking i could hear him, he took a deep breath,"alright, we are going to take care of our baby, Okay? I- I- won't leave okay? B-but you sure you want this baby?" He asked me  panicking, "i don't know, my parents would throw me out the house." I responded. I couldn't hear him anymore, "Rafe?" I asked, "mr.Cameron you are arrested for murdering Cassie smith, drugs..." I heard from the police saying on the phone Rafe was holding, "escape." He warned me.

Y/n liberated Rafe Cameron from jail and they both escaped far away, the police is still searching for them. Rafe Cameron is a Mafia Boss now and they have a daughter named Scarlett Cameron. They became two rich murders working in the Mafia.


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