A New World And The Fruit

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I decided to call the creature. I did this two weeks after I got the email. Which was coincidentally two weeks before I nearly died. Yeah turns out they were a bit off with their timing of when the tumor was supposed to kill me. I had to go in for an emergency procedure about a week ago. It worked but not without great effort on my part.

My journey began when I was put under for brain surgery to remove my tumor. I closed my eyes just to immediately open them. I saw that I was in what looked to be a hotel. I was concerned seeing as how I had no clue how I ended up there and last I remembered I was put under to have a tumor cut out of my head. I did say that the room looked like a hotel. Not your average one, though. I turned on what I thought was a lamp to see a glowing crystal with a chain coming out of it.

I thought that maybe this was due to some sort of magnetism I wasn't aware of before but I had more pressing matters. Namely how I came to be where I was. I observed that I was wearing the clothes I had on before changing into my hospital gown. That meant as far as I could tell someone had kidnapped me, brought me there, and for whatever reason decided to change my clothes. At least that's what I thought at first. Something happened, though that shot my theory down.

That was when I went to the window in my room. I opened to see that the building I was in was also suspended in midair and crystal shaped. Seeing it was disorienting to say the least but what messed me up even more at least at first was seeing the people down below. They looked like humanoid animals. Some looked like bipedal spiders with four arms. Others looked like humanoid sharks and others looked like humanoid birds.

Some did look almost human. However, the bird and insect wings sticking from their backs proved otherwise. Looking over I saw an enormous beast. Those words don't do it justice but even from how high up I was this thing still looked massive. It had eight spiky legs, indicating that it was some sort of arachnid. It had a thick exoskeleton that was dark in color. It had a head that looked similar to that of a lion and a scorpion stinger.

What baffled me besides its appearance was why nobody was running away from it. That thing looked like it could tear through tanks with hardly any effort. Still, they stayed where they were as it approached. I was about to look away when it did something I wasn't expecting. It knelt. The people on the sidewalk climbed onto its back. Then it ran off with them on its back.

So, I guess that meant it was a method of transportation. I was relieved. However, it didn't give me any answers. What did was the knock that came from the door. I looked through the peephole to see only darkness.

I thought that maybe it had been a wake-up call. Who knows what the maids looked like in that place. I opened the door to see if I could catch a glimpse of who had knocked. I opened it to see the demon standing in front of me. I backed up and began searching for something I could use as a weapon. The closest thing I had was that lamp crystal but it didn't look like it would be much help.

"If you're going to kill me you could have gotten it over with instead of wasting my time by bringing me here."

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