The Pyramids And The Finale

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The next day we went back to the blacksmith to retrieve the keys. When we had them we received the hint for our final mission. It was carvings of some pyramids in our left palms and a single circle in our right hand. If movies have taught me anything it's that ancient places like those are usually filled with traps and other dangers. Keeping this in mind we got supplies to help us detect the traps more easily or even set them off when we weren't in the line of fire.

Another danger to consider much like the caves was the structural integrity of the pyramids. Unlike the caves, we had been in before the pyramids didn't have the advantage of being organically formed to withstand a lot of damage. Sure we had the silencers but the damage we would do with our larger weapons still gave it a higher risk of collapsing compared to the caves. The last thing we considered was what animals would be there.

No doubt there would be poisonous ones. This time, though we got prepared for it. We got different medicines to combat the poison. In addition to that, we purchased some grappling hooks in case we fell into some more pits. Acri could fly sure but if his wings got damaged it would put us in a bad situation. The mission we had before made that all too clear.

Of course, we also made sure to get plenty of food and water, given where we were going. We also got some for the bird we were using. Once everything was taken care of we headed over there. The pyramids were even further out from the city than the other places we had gone to. These were pyramids shaped but instead of being made mostly of stone like the ones in Egypt these were made of metal.

This meant that most of our prepping had been rendered unnecessary. Still, some of the items we purchased did end up coming in handy. We noted that it had rusted in some parts indicating it had been there for a long time. The inside of it had sand which made us realize that the pyramid must have sunk over time. The floor was metal with a few vents in it that the sand had come through.

I scanned the room while wearing the closest outfit I could get to an Indiana Jones cosplay. Not that I am a huge fan of the movies but I figured if we were going to do this I should be dressed right for it. I tried getting Acri to play along. However, he wasn't feeling up to it.

"Okay, so we know there's a lot more of this place than what we saw out. Keeping that in mind do you want to start at the top or bottom first?" I asked.

"I say the top. That's the most likely where it will be," Acri replied.

 I asked for him to elaborate but he had already gone off. Oddly enough we didn't run into anything dangerous at first. There was a lot of stair climbing, though and the place was huge. My thighs were practically on fire when we got to the top. In front of us was a slightly open metal door.

"This is it," Acri said, after sliding it open the rest of the way.

In front of us was a control panel.

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