Chapter 10 A Commander that cared

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The next day it was a massive rainy day

Yamatomo is inside his office. Literally have nothing to do than just stare out of the window


His phone rang

He answered

"Hello?" He said

"Hello! It's me Kuki-san!" The one who spoke is Kuki

"Oh God. What do you want?"

"Well, you remember that today you are going on a JMTE with the US navy?" (Kuki)

"Uhuh?" (Yamatomo)

"Well bad news is that because of the weather there. They decided to cancel the JMTE with you and decided to JMTE with the Spanish, Portuguese, Norwegian, Swedish, and Canadian navy." (Kuki)

"Well, another boring day it is." (Yamatomo)

"Also, have you saw the papers of the previous commanders?" (Kuki)

As Yamatomo opened his table drawer amd pull out the papers

"Let me read it out load. The first commander is Machida Jun. The second commander is Sugawara Ippei. The third commander is Anzai Ichisake. The fourth commander is Kawahara Sekien. And lastly the previous one after me is Enokida Takuma. Are these names correct?" (Yamatomo)

"Yes, you're right." (Kuki)

"So what's the news about them?" (Yamatomo)

"You see. They are caught drinking while on duty and using minor illegal drugs such as weed and marijuana. So they all got dishonorably discharged from their position as Admiral like last week. And after that we haven't heard from them since." (Kuki)

"I am now concerned on where they are now." (Yamatomo)

"Don't worry. If they happen to come there with malicious intent. That is very unlikely on because how in the world they would go there that is the most heavily secured area in the world? Protected by the top 10 greatest countries in the world?"

"If they did, the whole world will be against them and they might be placed in the FBI'S most wanted list of criminals." (Kuki)

"Uhuh. So for some reason I don't have a radio here so I don't know what the weather forecast here. But I can tell it's a heavy storm." (Yamatomo)

"Don't worry. It's not as if a tornado will move towards there no? The weather there will might last tomorrow morning. But I'm sure you will be fine." (Kuki)

"Yeah right." (Yamatomo)

"Also what's your "progress" inside the base?" (Kuki)

"Yes, they all acknowledge me as their leader but that doesn't mean I will order them anytime. I mean they are people anyways. In short "we're fine" here." (Yamatomo)

"Ohh? Do you ahve any "love interest"?" (Kuki)

"Where the fuck are you going at? What love interest? What kind of person who loves ships soo much?" (Yamatomo)

"Uhh... You because you have all World War 2 toy ships you have been assembling carefully and perfectly for four years. That British Prince Wesley. And likely most of your friends." (Kuki)

"That's because we love them before they turned into girls. I mean, What kind of shitty move did God sent upon us to turn our darkest History war machines into beautiful yet "innocent" girls? And most of them have PTSD from world war 2. This is literally a God send for Otaku's and Weebs."

"And of course, the PTSD part? I'm trying my luck and best to make them forget on what they have done before by enjoying their lives as "Humans"." (Yamatomo)

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