Chapter 29 A Bunch of Pedophiles in this base

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February 8th.... 2024

My name is Yamatomo Mazuhashi but my friends call me Mo-hashi because of the "Mo" and the "Hashi". I am writing a diary of mine because I have nothing else better to do. Other than playing games, there are no exciting events today. Except disgusting Valentine's day event

December 10th, I turned 28.... Memories of that bet with that Alien Siren named "Empress" and her alias was Shiba Asurabi. I was played by a damn fiddle

Well we both moved on and forgotten about that bet. All things are good

Somehow the Aphrodisiac that another traitorous bastard called Yamamoto Yoshitaka had died down and somehow it acts like they drank alcohol or something that theys somehow are hung over

Also because it's February, it is the last month of there Mating Season. How I survived? Well to my future generations... If I have one... Probably would use your brains and not your penis because reasons that's all

I have several years left before I retire. I don't know if I can visit them after I retire. The scientist say that they don't age. Well of course they are incarnations of World War 2 ships. Though I want to ask, can they die of old age? Or something? If not then because Immortality is a cursed thing to have and because they honestly said that I am their best Commander they have ever in their lives. If I die that would suck. Depression and PTSD is a bitch in disguise

Well some may like Immortality, like making use of it to help humanity or something? I am certainly half of those that doesn't like Immortality and those who like being immortal

Now I'm straying of, continuing on. Today, of course, the ship girls heard, knew what Valentine's day is and because I am the only guy in this..... "Place". They somehow kept sending me love letters for "experiments

It's been awhile since I was given one. Tragically, the first girl that sent me my first love letter didn't arrive at the said "Love Rooftop" of all those cliche confession scenes of all the romance Anime I watched

Though I would like to place a note that; I am not dense, It's just because I am weirded out because I see them as in their teens, adult teens, and very early 20s. While I am in my late 20s and is about to hit his 30s in about two years.

I mean, putting aside the doujins and hentai I read and be more realistic, It would be weird having a very young girlfriend and a guy who is growing facial hair and has.... Some visible eye bags walking around. I mean I don't like misunderstandings because they are annoying as hell

I mean there are some that looks like they are in their mid 20s or some nearing late 20s. Like for example Friedrich der Große

I don't have any feeling for them.....

Who am I kidding of course I have feelings for them.... Shit just went from 0 to 100 real fucking quick.

If the laws of this world doesn't affect me. Like the main problem is Polygamy, because I can't have a harem. Sucks to be a dreaming Otaku then

And the underage marriage thing. I know it's bad but, how bad is it when a ship girl that looks like a child is centuries old? I don't know about Lil' Enty 'cuz she is like half a year old? Maybe?

But if you want to calculate in Elven math. 900 years old above is like 19, 90 years old is like 9. Same goes for 8, 7, and 6

Now moving on the the problems of this base. As I said about their age. That is their main problem

The guys back home have no clue how to put their age in their ID and Military ID. Considering they are centuries old, the process of making their IDs is on hold for now

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