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"They took him!" Isabelle shouted, suddenly running up to Jace and Alexandra with her brother frantically following behind.

"What? Who took who?" Alexandra asked, quickly standing up and searching around.

"Simon! The vampires took Simon" She panted, waving her hands around in a panic.

Alexandra turned to Jace looking for answers on what to do and how they would get him back. After all she knew that he would risk his life to save him, anything for his precious Clary.

He quickly ran to the door of the room, alerting Clary of the kidnapping. While the others scanned the many bodies in search of the mundane, knowing that if they didn't find him soon he was as good as dead.

When all of them regrouped they made a a quick exit from the party, running a few blocks down towards their secret weapons hideout. Or more so, their vampire hunting equipment.

"We can't break into a vampires lair, we never learn" Alec complained as they approached the gate of the church.

"Don't start again" Jace warned, marching through the metal fence and towards the door.

"Jace he has a point, you know the rules" Alexandra pointed out as the blonde used his stele to unlock the large wooden doors.

The sound of boots castle coming towards them informing the raven haired woman that Clary was behind them. "What are we doing here? we need to find Simon."

"We know where he is, we just need to pick up a few things" Jace told her as the lock clicked and he pushed the doors open.

Alexandra looked around the churches remodel. The new cream walls and the more comfortable seats spread down the large room. Unlike the red wooden panels that once lined the walls and the awkwardly placed singular chairs.

"I like what they've done with the place" She commented, slowly turned to take it all in.

While Jace and Clary worked on finding the lock hidden in a symbol crafted in the stone, the other three stood watch knowing that the area they were in was crawling with vampires.

Clary watching in surprise when the stone ground shook and a door opened. Alexandra and the siblings coming to their side, both males using their heighten strength to move the stone.

The chest revealed underneath, inside filled with various different weapons used by many shadow hunters throughout the years.

Sitting on the ground, Alexandra reached into the chest retrieving a large sliver dagger which she place in the holder crafted on her boot. Along with securing seraph blades and stakes throughout her body.

Suddenly looking up to find Jace in breathing range with Clary, demonstrating how to use the vampire gun. Glaring at them as another third of her heart tore, something with the siblings seemed to have noticed.

Jumping to her feet, Alexandra made her way through the isle of seats. "Let's go, he'll be dead by sunrise" She called back, her facial expression that of vengeance.

Hearing them follow swiftly behind, she strolled a few meters down the dark streets without looking back. Coming to a derelict looking building covered in old newspapers, taking her stele from her pocket she pointed the glowing light at the door. Yanking it open without any worry of being quiet.

Alec noticing her change of mood, decided to have a quick word with Jace before they went on this suicide mission.

"What is it about her?" He asked, pushing the blonde back with a forceful hand.

"She's brave" He replied emotionlessly.

"Distracting Alexandra like this is going to get her killed, if not all of us. I'm not entirely sure if that's your plan or not."

"Of course it isn't-"

"Then do it behind her back" Alec told him sternly, knowing that it still wasn't the right thing however Alexandra needed to be focused right now.

Upon entering the building, Jace pushed his former lover behind him. Alexandra not particularly happy with it on a count he clearly cared more about impressing Clary then actually protecting her.

It was deathly silent, only thing to be heard was their own footsteps. Cobwebs lining every object, every corner, vampires truly did love to scare you with the atmosphere before hand.

Pointing the dull lighted torch in one hand, the woman twirled the large blade in the other as a way of getting a better grip. Their lights useless against the darkness.

Alexandra rolled her eyes at Clary's panicking, pacing after Jace when he got a few steps ahead of her. Jumping at the slightest bit of nose, even if it was something as harmless as a drop of condensation. She truly wasn't raised as a shadow hunter, that much was obvious.

Travelling up a flight of stairs, the group stopped at a piece of clothing left behind followed by trickles of blood.

"That's Simons shirt" Clary informed them, staring at it longer than Alexandra liked.

"We're here to find him, not his clothing" She spat, pushing past them and continuing up the steps, Isabelle following behind her.

"She really doesn't like me" Clary spoke, loud enough for the girl to here.

"I wonder why" Alec replied, thinking that it was fairly obvious.

They entered a second room, drop hatches visible in the ceiling. Alexandra carefully nearing the edge of it, shining her light inside with her blade at the ready. Thankfully finding no vampire above.

"He's up there" Came Jace's voice, Clary taking his place in the elevator shaft before running ahead towards the upper level.

"I'm not dying for her" Alexandra told them, the siblings close by her side as Jace ran after her.

"Hate to say it but he will" Isabelle whispered while they ascended after them.

Simon dangling like meat on a hook awaited them as they reached his level, his eyes closed while the chains around his neck strangled him to the point of unconsciousness.

Both women acting fast and appearing at the opposite side from the others. Stepping onto a small ledge at each side ready to grab hold of the rotten wooden plank which the males were handing them.

Clary immediately walking across it to save her friend. Alexandra admired her bravery, but not when putting her and her family at risk for some mundane they only knew for 24 hours.

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