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Alexandra stayed with Alec while both women helped to clean up his bleeding lip. Fetching her a bucket of fresh water while Clary stormed off after a furious Jace.

Simon pulling himself from the bed and joining them over at the table. Alec hissing as Isabelle applied pressure to the wound.

"You should've known better than to make that stupid comment" She told him, Alec rolling his eyes at his sisters lecture.

"He deserved to hear it, i'm sorry but it was a taste of his own medicine. Alexandra is untitled to do whatever it is he's doing with Clary" He replied, Alexandra slouching beside him.

"You and I both know that Alexandra loves him, maybe a little less now but still" Isabelle reminded him, forcefully pressing his lip as a punishment making him wince. "Your fine."

Alexandra smiled, excusing herself to her room. Collapsing onto the made sheets, staring up at the ceiling. Retrieving her stele from her bedside table and drawing symbols in the air. Mesmerised by the sparkles.

Running her fingertips across her rune of mourning, her mind flashing back to the moments she shared with her family. The memorable ones at least.

Rueben showing off the skills he had learned from the institute, using the wooden knife he had crafted to demonstrate how he would protect the family. Alexandra pulling out the same bloodstained one from her drawer.

The night her mother had told her she was having another child, she was too young back then to comprehend that it wouldn't share the same blood as her. Too naive to believe that her mother had conceived a child that wasn't her fathers.

She never understood why he committed the horrific act until she came to the institute, Hodge being the one to break the news to her. Although she would never forgive her father, she knew now why he did what he did.

However if Rueben hadn't hid her, going out to confront their malicious father. Alexandra would most likely have suffered the same fate, something she would have considered rather than watching her family be slaughtered.

Without intention, her mind then wandered to the aftermath. When the stunned woman walked the rain soaked streets alone and knocked on the door of the Institute.

Her brothers handsome friend opening the door with a shocked expression, a crumbling Alexandra crashing to the floor in hysterics. Jace immediately falling with her, bringing her into his embrace as she broke down.

Perhaps the first impression really does make a difference. His caring and loving personality towards her may have been the reason she fell in love with him all those years ago.

A sudden knock on her door snapping from her flashback to the past. The person on the other side may have been anyone, after the day she had she wasn't taking a guess as to who.

Opening the door she was surprised to find a curly haired brunette on the other side, standing awkwardly as they made eye contact.

"Hey Simon, everything okay?" She asked, glancing at the empty corridor behind him.

"Can I come in?" He asked, clearly upset.

"Of course" She smiled, stepping to the side to allow him in. She quite liked Simon, he was nerdy a bit like she was before the whole shadow hunter thing.

He admired her room for a moment before finally placing himself onto her bed. His body fidgety as he tired to find the perfect position, indicating that something was terribly wrong.

"Simon?" She called, his head suddenly snapping towards her. "Are you alright?"

"I-Uh...I walked in on something that I probably shouldn't have and I thought you had the right to know."

Alexandra's gut immediately sank, hearing his words before he even spoke them.

"I caught Clary and Jace making out at her door" Instantly her heart shattered into a million pieces. "When I confronted them-uh....he told me that she planned on sleeping with him."

The colour drained from her face, a nauseating feeling crawling it's way up her throat. Normally she wouldn't have believed it, but experiencing first hand the way they were together, she couldn't not believe it.

"I'm so sorry Alexandra, I know you two were sort of a thing" He told her, the woman feeling her legs buckle under her.

There was silence for a moment until finally she screamed, but not out of sadness. Because of a sudden burning sensation spreading down her spine, blood immediately dripping down her back like candle wax.

Simon clinging to her as she fell to her knees, the pain only getting worse. Tears pouring from her eyes as she heard the skin sizzle behind her, feeling as though she was physically being burnt alive.

"Alexandra! Alexandra, open the door!" Came a voice from the other side, the woman in too much pain to even move.

"Hold on" Simon said in the panic, opening the door to allow whoever it was to enter the room.

Isabelle froze upon seeing her friend, her clothes unsaturated with blood. Immediately joining her on the floor she ripped open her shirt to reveal a devastating sight.

Before her, was the rune of a broken heart being torched into her skin. The black ink barely visible as her skin boiled and blistered, the redness continuing to spread.

"Holy shit" She gasped, using her hand to cover her mouth. "Oh my god, Alexandra. What has he done."

"What has who done?" Simon asked over the screams, confused as to what was happening.

"Go get Alec. But whatever you do, don't tell Jace!" She shouted, the mundane immediately running out of the room.

Alexandra screamed once more, the pain worse than ever and she had no idea why. Her fingernails clawing at the floorboards as if she was a wolf, trying her hardest to focus her pain on a different part of her body. It failed miserably.

She felt as though a large lava rock had been placed onto her back, her body beginning to grow heavy and her head starting to spin.

"Stay right there, don't move" The voice of Isabelle echoed, not exactly a great choice of words considering the circumstances.

Alec burst through the door just as her body collapsed onto a heap on the floor, the remains of her shirt falling with her.

"What the fuck!" He yelled, just as his sister returned with a bowl of cold water from the bathroom. "What the hell is happening?"

"It's Jace's fault. You warned him and now look what's happened" She answered, rejoining her Unconscious friend.

"What do you mean? What's happening to her?" Simon asked, bringing himself to their level. Worried for his new friend.

"The rune of a broken heart is the most painful one of them all. Thanks to Jace, Alexandra is now experiencing that" Alec answered, taking the end of the bandage from his sister.

"I will kill him, but after we take care of Alexandra" Isabelle threatened, dressing the ever growing wound.

Together they lifted her from the floor and onto the bed, laying her in her side so that she wasn't putting pressure on the wound. All of them praying that she was strong enough to pull through, otherwise the rune would kill her. And the blood would be on Jace's hands.

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