Settling In & a Prank & a Challenge

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Annabel felt like she was constantly being tested by the children in the week she has stayed with them so far. Whether it was them testing her nerves and being difficult on purpose, causing a large mess, or testing her on their school material for some reason. She was going to prove to them that she wasn't a horrible person like they thought she was and she was actually there to help, she wasn't the enemy.

No matter what the children did to Annabel, they felt like they couldn't get her to quit, pack up and leave. And the longer they spent time with her, the more they didn't want to actually have her leave. She was fun, kind and very understanding. She treated them fairly and age appropriately, never making them feel like they were inferior and she respected their thoughts and opinions. More importantly, unlike the other nannies, she didn't flirt with their father and try to do indecent things with him just for his money. They kept things professional, although friendly, but still professional.

"How are you settling in dearie?" Samantha knocked on the slightly ajar bedroom door and stepped in.

Annabel was given a fairly large room on the second floor, not one in the maids section of the house. This way, she could get to the children, if they needed her, faster. Her room consisted of a nice little living room, with couches and a heater for winter and the room also included a small book shelf for the few books she brought with her. The living room opened up to the bedroom that had a vanity, a closet, and door that led to her own separate bathroom.

"Just dandy, I think the kids are finally understanding that I'm not a horrible witch like they originally thought I was." She said from her comfortable seat on the couch, book in hand.

"And why do you think they thought you were a witch?" Samantha laughed and sat down on the one seat couch.

"I had tucked the little ones into bed and started cleaning up the mess they had created in their playroom adjoined to it, when I heard Maggie sneak in to them. They were talking in hushed voices about Annabel the witch. It was actually very comical. I might dress up as a witch one day just to give them a scare."

"Serves them right those little rascals. They've really been up your hair, more than anyone else."

"It's quiet alright really. They're all lovely deep down. I see the way they interact with each other and their father. A lovely little family they are." Annabel sat up right and glanced towards the open door, Samantha doing the same. "I hope I'm not overstepping when I ask, but do you mind telling me what happened to their mother?"

Samantha bunched up her apron nervously and quickly glanced at the door.

"Listen well dearie, I love to gossip, I do, but this is not for me to say. When they feel comfortable enough, the kids, they will tell you." Samantha heaved a sigh and got up. "Well, I have to get going. It is pretty late. Sleep well."

"You too. Would you mind closing the door on your way out, please?"

"Of course."


Annabel woke up the next morning feeling very refreshed. She sat up and swung her legs to the side and slid off the bed. She held in a shriek and gasped really loudly when her feet landed in cold, gooey, wetness. 

A shiver ran up her spin in shock and she curled her toes and slowly looked down to find she had stepped into a pan full of chocolate fudge and whipped cream.

She took a deep breath through her nose and calmed down, a smirk making its way onto her face.

"Oh you've asked for it now you naughty little rascals."

Throughout the day, random screams were heard coming from the four eldest children.

Annabel had set traps for each and everyone single one of them with the help of Margot, and got them all covered in whip cream one way or another.

Mr.Pelton and His Five ChildrenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant