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Annabel took the twins and Margot out to the field so they could play. She promised Tam that she would teach her how to make a flower crown out of the dandelions that grew everywhere.

"Yes, and you put it through, yes! Just like that, that looks wonderful Tam!" She kissed the top of the girls head who's smile stretched even further.

"It's for you!" Tam got up and placed the sloppy crown on Annabel's head.

"Thank you, that's very kind of you. Would you like the one I'm making?"

"Yes please!"

Sam ran over to them with a finger held out.

"Look at what I found Mama!"

"What did you fi-wait what?"

"Look at it! It's so tiny." He held his finger out for her to see. She glanced at the ladybug on his finger and smiled up at him.

"A ladybug, I haven't seen one in a while. Sami, can you please have a seat?"

He sat down crisscrossed and looked up at her with his big brown eyes. Annabel quickly glanced up at Margot to check on her and was glad she was playing in the grass only a few yards away.

"Look Sami," she scooched closer to him and took his hands in hers, taking careful notice to not spook the ladybug. "I know I've been taking care of all of you for nearly four months now, and that's a long time isn't it?"

He nodded.

"And I love you very very much, you need to know that, but Sami my love, I'm not," she took a deep breath. "I'm not your mama. I'm just Annabel"

"I know."

"So why-"

"She's gone. Died because she was really sick, but I don't really 'member her. You love me, and I love you like my mama. Tami and I love you like our mama. Right Tam Tam?"

Tam nodded.

Margot ran to them on her chubby three year old feet and held out a daisy she found to Tam, but changed her mind and gave it to Annabel.

"You're not mean like the other nannies, you're really nice and fun. And I don't want you to leave. So please be my mama." Sam got up and put the ladybug on the dandelion crown on her head.

"I - I don't, look, I can be, but you can't call me that. It's unfair to your papa, mama and Maggie."


"Mama? Where?" Margot asked.

"She's up there." Annabel pointed to the sky and they all sat on their backs and watched the rolling clouds.

The children soon fell asleep on the grass and Annabel didn't have the heart to wake them up.

"I never knew clouds could be so entertaining."

A shadow fell on her and she turned her head back to see Richard.

Standing up.

She sat up and half turned around to look at him.

"You're standing!"

"With the help of this cane, but yes." He smiled wide at seeing her smile and fill with excitement for him.

"Did you walk here all by yourself?" She was so incredibly happy for him.

"James helped me down the stairs."

"I'm so happy for you. But the doctor said it was okay to start walking around?"


Sam stirred in his sleep and they quieted down.

He limped over so he was beside her and sat down. They both laid down on their backs and looked up at the sky.  

He slightly turned his head to look at her peaceful relaxed face. Her eyes were closed and she was drinking in the sun light. 

He glanced down at her hand and made a move to grab it but stopped himself. He shouldn't. 

"Don't you find it very therapeutic Mr. Pelton?" She turned her head and looked at him. Their eyes meet and her heart skipped a beat.

"What?" He softly said and noticed how her skin glowed in the sunlight and how it made her cheeks a slight rosy pink.

"Relaxing in the sun."

"I think it makes me sleepy."

"I think they would agree." She looked at the children and a smile adorned her face. She really did love them.

"Look at them, looking into each other's eyes like there's no one else in the world." James grumbled from the window. He let go of the curtain and turned away.

"I think they look very adorable. What if Master Richard and Annabel fall in love? Do you think they would make cute babies?" Samantha let out a dreamy sigh and followed James into the kitchen.

"That will not happen. She works for him and Master will no way fall in love with her crazy behaviour."

"Love works in mysterious ways my dear James." Samantha kissed his cheek and patted his chest.

"Yes yes I know." He pulled her back to him in a hug and she giggled.

Mr.Pelton and His Five ChildrenWhere stories live. Discover now