We've Arrived!

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After a bit, we had made it to the landing! I was much more nervous than I had been but at least this was all for fun and that if I got 4 no's then I wouldn't give up on my dreams. My brain had millions of thoughts, but I tried to calm myself and reassure me everything would be fine.

We grabbed our rental car and drove to auditions, my hands started to sweat. We signed in and waited patiently for my time. As we were waiting I got to meet Terry and he was super nice! "Don't be worried, you'll do great" he says with a smile that I knew couldn't possibly be fake.

While we waited, I also ate some snacks and spent most of my time writing songs. In the hours we waited I was able to write 6 comforting songs! Now that I was refreshed I hoped that I would be ready to face the 4 judges, Simon Cowell, Sophia Vegara, Heidi Klum and Howie Mandell. 

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