It all comes down to this...

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I am standing there hearing people being eliminated. I hear my name, and then I hear terry's voice.

"Paige are, IN the final 3."

I am so shocked I can't breathe. I count to ten and catch my breath feeling so emotional. As everyone else gets sent to the back, I am left with two other contestants and Terry along with the audience and judges.

"3rd place, goes to...Bree Smith." Terry says.

I am shocked, it wasn't me?! I am either the winner or runner up. I am so scared right now. It all comes down to this moment.

"And your America's Got Talent winner is...PAIGE MILLER!"

I stood there, shocked. I was frozen and had broken down into tears where I broke out of my still position and dropped to my knees. I had just won America's Got Talent!

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