Chapter 2

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This cycle always repeats. I feel like I'm riding in a ferris wheel. I don't want to continue this anymore. I'm tired of doing my best just to prove them I'm not a failure. I can't even enjoy my life anymore just because of them.

If I changed my habits and mindsets, will I become a better person? Will I be happy? Proving something to your parents will forever be tiring as fuck.

I sighed once again as I get my things to leave the apartment. As soon as I locked my door a voice made me jump.


"Shut the fuck up."

"Way to start your morning, Yoongi."

"Yea and it's now ruined because of you." I saw him roll his eyes. This boy is so talkative, it's so energy-draining.
"Can you not talk? You're draining my energy."

"Do you want coffee?"

"Are you lowkey asking me out?" I said. I really need to think before I speak for fuck's sake.

"Pft, I'm not gay." I pursed my lips when he said that. Of course, Yoongi. Why would you say that to a straight guy! They might think you like them!

I just rolled my eyes and left him there.


"What will you do if someone came up to you and cried? Are you going to comfort them?" Our Values of Education teacher asked.

A student raised a hand. "I'm going to cheer them up!" The teacher smiled at their answer and nodded.

"Did you know? Listening to someone's problem is considered a comfort already. Not every person opening up wants an advice, they just want a person who will listen to them without judging. So to all students who are dealing with problems lately, I know you can do it." I lowered my head and smiled. His words were so comforting.

"A listener needs a listener, too." A familiar voice spoke up. I looked up to see who it was. "What if the person that is listening to your problems have problems as well? A comforter needs a comforter, too. Am I right?" Jimin said.

"You're right, Mr. Park! How about you, Mr. Min? Do you have any insights?"

"Personally, I don't want any listener in my life. What if they're secretly judging you? What if they're going to invalidate your feelings? It's okay to be alone sometimes." I spoke.

"You just don't have friends, you fag!" Wonyoung shouted that made the class say 'oooohhh'. I stared at him with hateful eyes.

"Mister, you do know we have different opinions and perceptions, right? If you can't respect that, then you're a dumbass." Jimin snarled that made the boy shut his mouth.


"Yoongi! Hey!" A voice stopped me from walking. I checked to see who it was. I rolled my eyes when I see who it was.

"That's hyung for you, dumbass. What's up?"

"LET'S GO AND WATCH MOVIES LATER, HYUNG! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!" He grabs me by the shoulders and shakes it repeatedly that made me roll my eyes again. "Your eyes will fall off if you keep doing that you know."

"Fine, fine. I don't have any money, though."

"It's on me! My dad gave me mone-" his words were interrupted when a ball crashed my head that made me fall on the ground.

"What's your problem, Jackson!" Jungkook shouted. Shit, he'll get in trouble again if he fights with that dumbass again.

I tried to get up, but I was really dizzy to even get up. I noticed a shadow, blocking me from the sun. I looked up to see who it was. "Crescent eyes?" His arm was widely extended. I took it and he helped me got up.

"Here comes knight in shining armor!" Jackson shouted that made me roll my eyes again.

"Bullying others can make you go to jail, dumbass. You're 18 already, grow the fuck up." Jackson laughed at Jimin's words.

Jackson got closer to him until they were just 2 inches apart. They were glaring at each other, jaw clenching, teeth gritting. "Nothing makes me scared, Park. Go tell your SISTER about it. HA, HA!" Jimin's sister? Why did he bring her up? Is there something wrong?

"Shut up." Jimin walked out like nothing happened that made me super worried. But who am I to butt in? I'm just his classmate.

I saw Jackson smirked and walked out as well. Jungkook looked at me with a confused face but changed with a worried look when he saw me holding my head still. "Can we still go to the movies?" I rolled my eyes at his words and made a cringed face when he puppy smiled.

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